Thank you Rad! Pretty excited to have this as a hobbie again! I literally bought a T5 at a hydro shop with my buddy and swung buy his pad, took 2 clippings sped hom and The bigger is an LSD plant that was slammed in an accident. I took it from another friend and gonna see if I can reveg her a while. May just toss it. Don't want weak plant around, ruin the neighborhood.
What strain is it? Blackberry Kush
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?80% indica 20%Sativa
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg
If in Veg... For how long? Cloned on 3/9
If in Flower stage... For how long? N/A
Indoor or outdoor? indoor
Soil or Hydro? Promix BX
If soil... what is in your mix? Use as is, will be adding more drainage though
If soil... What size pot? Start in solo then to 3 gallon. Some to 5 gallon depending on size
Size of light? 600watt digital dimable cooltube in MH and HPS/ Sunblaze 48" 8 bulb T5 (love it)
Is it aircooled? Yes
Temp of Room/cab?73 degrees
RH of Room/cab? 30-40 percent
PH of media or res? 6.5-6.8
Any Pests ? Not yet
How often are you watering? As needed. Moisture meter sucks, I stick my finger down and inch or two
Type and strength of ferts used? Fox Farms, grow big, big bloom, Tiger Bloom and now Cal-mag. 900ppm of Grow Big and 300ppm big bloom. Will develope schedule and adjust as you all have already helped! Thinking technaflora next.My guy swears by it.
Just a bit about me. I'm 40 and just retired after 24 years on the jobs. First real job was making waveguides for threat deterrent systems. Fun job, worked in the lab and as lead machinist. That lasted @8 years then decided to open a lockshop. Did locksmithing for about 6 years and still do it to this day part time. I love hand making springs for old mortise locks and refinish the metal plates (or not). One of the few that can work on historical buildings. Won't get rich from it but LOVE it! Finally my last career Was as a steel buyer for 10 years.
Then I up and quit!
Light Schedule: Just went from 24 hours to 18-6 on 4/10