Birthday cake

My two are stinking already. A month to go til flower. We may have to leave them behind when we go nordth. Don’t want the cabin to stink up. They are growing guud. Hafta to learn LST.

Looking good! They should have that…I guess its a ‘sage’ smell?!?….at this juncture. No mistaking the flip to flower. The short story is: first grow, no carbon scrubber, 1 plant flower, my kid tore the house apart until he found the offending smell, long, uncomfortable conversation we weren’t quite ready to have.…. Carbon scrubbers keep things on the DL…I’ve tried some of the other ‘smell absorption gels’ but none of them work as well at keeping in stank as carbon. Others might have had better experience? Now my ATTIC is a completely different animal - I’ve been venting up there so long that smell conveys with the house now Lol
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