My youngest plays football. As an offensive back with speed to spare
If that's code for losing one's virginity, I'm guessing that the average age is, just as it was when we were kids, lower than that.
starts high school next year.
some time over the next 4 years
house party with a beer in his hand
That one might already have happened. Around here, it almost seems to be expected of school-aged athletes. So much so that the individual players are aware of that attitude - and of the fact that they seem to get a "free pass" on their issues at least once. Although... After thinking about it, I suppose it's possible that this is more common in locations where being a star - or even a regular player - on a school sports team could be one of the top five things to ever occur in their life :icon_roll .
I think the most resent was from the early 2000's. Double blind study, participants with and without COPD...seeing as I do the breathing tests from this study every other week I was able to understand the results. Unfortunately it was really inconclusive. Participants with COPD reported little change in breathlessness after receiving THC but did score slightly better on function tests. COPD participants given a placebo scored the same as those given THC. The test results were so marginal that they are easily explainable with a slight change in humidity in the testing room. Non COPD participants scored lower when given a placebo or the same as their baseline when given THC.
When I'm able to soar (get high), I find that I've ignored much of the pain - and the issues causing same - compared to when I'm not high. I generally notice this after the fact, lol, because "during," I'm too busy getting on with life to stop and analyze. It's not so much that the substance actively combats the pain (as I do NOT favor indicas) - I'd guess - but, instead, that the cannabis either allows or actively causes my brain to treat pain as just like the other 64,535 things that make life a thing to be endured rather than enjoyed, which is to say, it minimizes their significance to my conscious mind.
Right up until I attempt an activity that is above the "this causes pain, so I would rather not do it" category and well into "this activity is simply beyond my body's current capability - and (re)learning this sad fact causes immense pain during/after the collapse" territory, lol, at which point I remember that, yes, pain still hurts. For example, I might get high and go to the grocery store, without being (overly) bothered by my leg. Later, if I'm high enough to forget that it's still not in great shape that I attempt to go up my stairs at something approaching a normal pace - and get shown this as I am bouncing down however many steps I actually made it up, to that point... Yes, the pain thing still exists...
There's also that wicked lady "Hope." I would not be surprised if it could even give a mild, temporary boost to things like the above. Perhaps not the objective things (although it may be possible in limited scenarios, due to causing the body to unconsciously work harder at a thing), but certainly the objective ones. Seems to be the same reason why some people would spend way too much money on a bolt-on for their performance (or "performance"
) vehicle, announce to all who would listen that it definitely made their car faster, with "proof" being that they could "feel it in the seat of their pants," only to be terribly surprised and disappointed at the end of the race, lol.
The issue with double-blind studies, IMHO, is that they are not truly
blind - the participants are aware of the fact that they're participating. It'd be better if they were secretly dosed (or not) with the substance being tested/evaluated, and then carefully observed and monitored (again, secretly) to see if there was a positive result, a negative one, or none at all. Be kind of tricky to set up studies that way, though, lol.
As I posted before, I honestly trust that my tax dollars do make there way back to me in some form or another. I'm hopeful that tax revenues from cannabis will make its way to research.
Yes, trust the government. Hope, too.
This makes things easier for it.