Bigger Than Big, Better Than Best: A Weed Seeds Express Big Jack Widow Auto Grow Under The Maxsisun MG3000 Using Prescription Blend

Eva is on DAY 3 of drought and is handling it like a flipping champion!

I knew she was special but I didn't know I would be this excited to get my fiskars out!

Not much to note on her as the growing phase or at least my hand in it, is complete.

Eva for the win!










That is the kind of spirit and excitement I look forward to for a trim session. All bud and hopefully no larf! I can almost smell her perfume through the phone!

Great job krissi!
Heya there SG! Thank you bunches!!

Man listen my brother, last trim bestie and I had was Pudding. 3 days, 16.5 hours of extreme foxtailed buds. It was so tedious and just awful. We made the best of it but we have been looking forward to a normal trim for 3 months now. Can't wait!! She's super fragrant and sticky.
Oh heck yeah! She's a wonder!
Hi Stone! Missed your comment earlier I'm sorry! I stink!

All I can think is I gave her the perfect name. I couldn't think of one more suited to the way she finished :thanks: for loving her, too!
Highya Krissi,

She's a looker! Mesmerizing!! She's dripping with goodness! How much longer before the chop? Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,

She's a looker! Mesmerizing!! She's dripping with goodness! How much longer before the chop? Happy Smokin'
:green_heart: :green_heart:

I'm thinking by trichs today, maybe Sunday? Soon. I was hoping to get her to drought for a week at least and it looks like she could handle it but those trichomes creep up and amber fast so I need to be cautious. Happy smoking Bode!

I can taste her already! Especially today at what is now Day 4 of her drought and a mere 57 days above ground.

This stage in my journals are for pictures so I grabbed you some that highlight this final push and document her stress tolerance.

Still in amazement at just how fast she made it here. I was looking back at pics and just 2 weeks ago I was sure she had 4 weeks left. She has doubled herself over in development nearly each week.

And in case anyone was wondering, I found 2 more Swallowtail eggs and another baby caterpillar on my main parsley last night. Yippee!

Happy Thursday!








Highya Krissi,

I'm still drooling! You outdid yourself with this one! She must smell divine! Cheers to your green thumb! Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,

I'm still drooling! You outdid yourself with this one! She must smell divine! Cheers to your green thumb! Happy Smokin'
Wish I knew what it was precisely that did it, I'm guessing a combination of many things. All of the girls seemed to enjoy the seabird guano? Maybe Eva is a beachy kind of gal :surf:

BONUS POST: In addition to the main post in this thread today, here's her trich shots! Curious minds like Bode have asked about when she would be done. I like to see about 30% Amber so here's the trich shots from this morning. We are close to this percentage but not quite there









Highya Krissi,

The percent of amber trichomes seems varied. Probably from different heights on the plant? Lots of trichomes, though! Hopefully can trim by next weekend? Have you taken a tester yet? Sounds like fun!! Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,

The percent of amber trichomes seems varied. Probably from different heights on the plant?
Maybe that or she has some genetic foxtails, too. I failed to take that into consideration until today when I took a second look at her
Lots of trichomes, though!
Definitely! Hard to get trich shots of her though as she has a lot of small foliage on her bud sites and those foxtails i spoke of so I had to like pick up the leaves and dig in under them to get some decent shots
Hopefully can trim by next weekend? Have you taken a tester yet? Sounds like fun!! Happy Smokin'
Because of the foxtails, I was actually thinking of maybe pulling her tomorrow because of that?? It reminds me of when I pulled my Fruit auto a few months back, her foxtails seemed light but once I got underneath, the main buds were pretty amber-I assume what we see here in these shots

Either way, my new trim bins are out for delivery!
Good morning, Krissi.

So is the plan that you're droughting her and then chopping her right after the drought? How long are you planning on droughting for?
Good morning, Krissi.

So is the plan that you're droughting her and then chopping her right after the drought? How long are you planning on droughting for?
Hey girl, hope you're having a good Friday!

Well generally there will be anywhere from a couple days to a week left after I drought but Eva is finishing and has developed super fast this whole time so gaging her on when was tough with her doing a weeks worth of growing in a couple days every week the last few weeks.

Needless to say, I pull the plants out of the drought if they aren't finished if the trichomes show they are done.

Most autos can go anywhere from 3-7 days of drought in my experience when they are in 3 gl pots like this. I was hoping to get her to 5-7 days. Today is Day 5. She is sleeping now and I didn't get time to check trichs before lights off so it won't be til tonight before I know where she is at.

All I know is today was the first day I saw some wilting on her bottom leaves and at a pretty deficient angle-although no yellowing has occurred, today might be her end day with drought. And based off of those trich checks later, she may go in the dark and await trimming tonight as well.

Here's what I meant by the bottom leaves this morning. I'll be back late tonight with my daily entries.



Oooo I almost forgot until just now I pulled this off of Eva yesterday morning-a little tester. The very most bottom branch.


I trimmed her up and she is dry now (obviously). Grabbed a couple pics of her and man am I excited for those top nugs so dense and so strong and sugary.

Let you all know how this tester goes when I check back in later!




Highya Krissi,

Testor looks delicious!! Looks like it would put you into tomorrow already! If it's really good, you won't be back tonight! But, I hope you are! Is that one in drought? Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,

Testor looks delicious!! Looks like it would put you into tomorrow already! If it's really good, you won't be back tonight! But, I hope you are! Is that one in drought? Happy Smokin'
It was very good! Couple hits and I sat down and relaxed! Very smooth even prior to cure and being a larf bud! Looking forward to curing and getting all those flavors and aromas! Speaking of curing. She is in the dark as of this morning.

I absolutely thought this 10th birthday party was tomorrow but no, it's 21 minutes ago. So while I ride shotgun, I'm throwing up some pics of her last day and I'll be back with further commentary later on her drought tolerance and harvest prep!










Gives you a good feeling when smoking the testor and gets you high like that! Just imagine how better the stash will be after cure!! Happy Smokin'
Gives you a good feeling when smoking the testor and gets you high like that! Just imagine how better the stash will be after cure!! Happy Smokin'
I can't wait to put pics up later. I am just getting settled after getting back from this birthday. Bestie is coming soon and we will start trimming after the baby goes to sleep.

She made it 5.5 days of drought which was a good number being I wanted to be between 5-7.

She is just building buds on buds at this juncture, red hairs are all crinkled and if you get the scope up and under into those older formed buds, she is ripe.

She is heavy and thick and pungent and I just am really excited for her post cure as @Bode suggested as well.
Some nice looking heavy weight buds. Love it
Hey BC, thanks buddy. Excited to get her smoke on in a few weeks for sure :passitleft:

We all woke up ill here. Throats are sore, heads are congested and runny and we have low grade fevers. Started feeling it towards the end of trimming.

Was going to wait to post but figured I would at least throw the pics I did take very early this morning as I put her in the drying mesh. Clearly it's not all of her but hey, at least I took some lol

I will come back and embellish some tomorrow as I have some notables to mention/discuss.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend and sorry I'm just getting here now and dropping in real quick!







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