Best way to get resin out of piece so you can smoke it?

To those of you talking about boiling your pipe you have to be extremely careful. If your bowl has any color is can fade it very quickly if over heated, and if it gets too hot it can break.

I'd rather spare my bowl then a little bit of extra poor mans shit.
Listen someone needs to highlight or do something with this comment because i know smokers like me have trouble getting the resin out of their piece, they thing they need to find a magic tool or some "input high thought", but really all you need to do is get a paper coffee filter and place it over a cup and hold it together with a rubberband. Then go to the faucet that can get the hottest water flowing and fill that bitch up and shake, empty into cup and repeat! You might get a little burnt but with practice comes perfect!


Turn up! -Kory

*Edit Forgot to add only takes 5-10 mins for a mushy gooey clogged up bowl~!
I dont think i'd ever been that desperate i usually try to have a bud or two hidden around somewhere just for the occasion, but everyone already covered all the resin scraping techniques. Good luck hope you have a juicy ounce or two soon :) :bongrip:
What if it's an elephant shaped bowl where u hit from the trunk and shotgun is the ass, any tips?

Put your pipe, metal or glass, stem side down into a Pyrex measuring cup, or other heat proof cup (it has to be small so the pipe stands up). Put it on a cookie sheet (for stability) and put it in the oven on 100deg F. The resin runs down into the Pyrex cup. Cool it, and pop it right out.
yea so everybody is dry around here and i am in desperate need for some thc in my system....i need to know the best way to get resin out of my bowl so i will have a good amount to smoke...any advice would be great..thanx:bong:
I know I’m insanely late to the party but a piece of advice in case you run out. Put a piece of roach in your chamber (assuming you have a pipe with a chamber.) you’ll forget about it and when you run out and go to clean your pipe you’ll have a roach that’s been soaking in the resin of all the strains you smoke.
I’ve actually done this before and it was about three months later when I got it out and lemme tell you it was intense.
You can try this simple method it works really well, just heat up your pipe with a lighter until the resin is able to be pulled out using a Bobby pin or paper clip, make sure you have two for this method, then grab your ash tray and dip it in the ash, use the other Bobby pin to scrap it off into the ash tray leave it there keep picking and adding to it while rolling it in the ash, when all of it is covered you will be able to pick it up with your hand and roll it between both your palms to make a ball dipping it back into ash as needed, it will soon become a squishy ball (don’t squish it too hard), it’s a cool texture and easier to handle since it gets rid of most of the stickiness then you drop the ball back into your pipe and light it to smoke
Yuck. Thanks to this thread for reminding me how much it sucked always running out, before I started growing my own.

Hope everyone here gets to say goodbye to the ‘resin’ scraping days soon!
In all my years there has been only 3 ways to clean and smoke the resin from a piece.

1 -Scrape
2 - ISO then evaporate
3 - heat it up
Hope everyone here gets to say goodbye to the ‘resin’ scraping days soon!

I realize I don't really have a leg to stand on in this discussion, since I smoke cigarettes (when I have the money, or can't stand it any more and go collecting "used tobacco"). But:

I think that it's a really bad idea to physically assault your lungs by smoking a 90% tar & partially combusted solids product at this time. If you're a hermit who won't be interacting with anyone in the foreseeable future, I guess it's only you that you have to should be worrying about. But most everyone interacts with someone.
The quality of the ‘resin high’ is crappy too. At least for me it was always a dull cloudy confusing shitty effect that I probably would have been way better off without. But it’s like when you’re out of cigarettes and spend all day searching for crumbs of tobacco- it’s not just about the dubious reward at the end. it’s also about the hunt. Journey before destination, or whatever.
That's some kind of awesome positive thinking. Can you send me some of your pills, lol?

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I came to the conclusion that a cannabis tar "high" was mostly the sudden adjustment to the lack of oxygen intake caused by painting the bronchioles and alveoli shut. The few times I smoked it, I couldn't get high the next day even if I ended up smoking actual good bud. But I was so desperate while I was smoking the tar that I took it right past the merely charred lump of carbon stage and all the way to ash. That might have been a contributing factor.
I allways thought that was tar and just wash my bong out with 99% iso and coarse sea salt !! I like a clean bong ! That nasty stuff gives me headaches !! :peace: just my 2 cents guys. I've been smokin this weed for over 40 yrs and if I run out I'd rather just wait for the next grow or trip to the disp.!!
That’s a great quote lol
i find the best way to get most resin is to boil the bowl, strain the water throught a coffee filter, then put the resin on wax paper, then let dry
Is this “ the microwave and coffee filter” method? Boiling it doesn’t render it useless?? Is this stronger than if I just have a huge ball of resin from good pot?
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