Best soil to use for auto flowers

Take this info knowing I'm a new grower also, and have made some off the newbie mistakes, and read way too much on the subject. I've over complicated most items, but at the same time, I haven't lost a plant yet and they are doing great, at least I think so.
I started in fox farms and was warned it is very nutrient rich, and some have problems. So, upon repotting from red solo cups to 1 gallon, I started mixing pro-mix bx, fox farms, and extra perlite. I think I was 40-40-20 percent on each. I was petrified I was going to be one of those guys with yellow leafed nute burned plants, so I was playing it safe. I bought a locally made nutrient from green garden called "one". It's organic, and very mild. Only one part, so easy to use. You just only use more and more ML per gallon as the grow goes on.
Upon more understanding of this, I realize that the nute requirements change during the different stages, so the green garden nutes aren't going to work with just one part. I've added fox farm big bloom , which is organic, if that's your goal.
If you are worried about it, start mild, and use the KISS priniple, and have fun. You'll need the basics, like a PH meter, different size pots, some sort of cal-mag suppliment.
Hopefully, this helps. I may have had one to many hits of blue bream, and am rambling!
I bought a locally made nutrient from green garden called "one". It's organic, and very mild. Only one part, so easy to use. You just only use more and more ML per gallon as the grow goes on.
Upon more understanding of this, I realize that the nute requirements change during the different stages, so the green garden nutes aren't going to work with just one part. I've added fox farm big bloom , which is organic, if that's your goal.

Plant nutritional requirements don't actually change that much between veg and bloom. It's a myth. Data has been out for over 15 years on it but the switching from a grow nute to a bloom nute thing continues. In my estimation it's so companies can sell you more product. Damn dirty Nitrogen levels do not drop in bloom, in fact they slightly increase. Phosphorus requirements do not increase dramatically in bloom. They do go up, but the majority of grow feeds have more than enough. The average bloom feed has WAY MORE Phosphorus than needed. Potassium levels increase in bloom but depending on the mix of the fertilizer, may not need supplemented either. So your Green Garden nutes could be fine. Here's my current autos, Day 37. No Bloom nutes.

A previous crop using no Bloom nutes. 18.5 oz in a 32"x32" tent with 4 autos. Pro Mix BX, Dyna Gro Foliage Pro and Pro-Tekt silica supplement. 300 watt strip build LED, 3500k spectrum.

Wow, I'd never read that. Your plants look beautiful! I figured there was a lot of mis information when it comes to nutes, mainly just sales and marketing ploys.
Here is another example of just keeping it simple.

Both Big Mike from Advanced and the owner of Dyna Gro lay it all out over HERE, yet they are hypocrites because both of them sell numerous products that go against what they say. The Dyna Gro guy comes right out and says it in his interview. Companies make products based on what people THINK they need. I think that's around the 10 minute mark of his interview.
If you choose to go with Pro-Mix, opt for one with the mycorrhizae already included. I would suggest the HP over the BX as the benefit is in the name, High Porosity. While I am sure some autos require less nutrients, living things in general require some for of nourishment to sustain.

Its much easier to work with amended soil, as all you need to do is water. The nutrients are already in place, you are just releasing them with water.

The minimum I do, is add some blood and bone meal into my mix. No need for any other nutrients, aside from some cal-mag, and then some banana water during flowering.

While some may not add liquid or powdered fertilizer to their water, the plants are getting something from somewhere. Even a good water holds micro-nutrients with a decent PPM
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