Best Air Stones: What has worked for you?

Here's a picture.

The 4" cylinder air stones are much better than the typical wand style Amazon air stone. I speak from experience :) Some of my buddies and I went in on 1064 of them on Alibaba. They were $1.50/ea delivered. They took 5-6 weeks to arrive, but are very large and really high quality. I was pretty surprised that they were so nice.
I just got these in the mail

They are definitely worth 15$. I'll be buying more. They push out so much air and they're heavy enough to where you can stand them up straight or lay them on their side and they won't move or flop around the bucket like the little sticks. I can't imagine needing more than 1 in a 5 gallon bucket. I'll be recommending these to people in the future. By vivosun.
I would love to know, a year & a half later, do you like these? I have them and killed 9 plants with them! I stood them up in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket and the roots got all tangled in them and the plants died. I'm turning them on their side and hoping for a better turnout next grow.
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