Beelze's 1400W Autoflower Tent Grow

I built my first bubble cloner today and it's working great.
I took 8 cuttings- 3 in dirt-3 in rockwool- and 2 in my homemade bubble cloner.
All have died but the 2 in the cloner so I made another bigger version.
Tomorrow I will take 6 more and see if it works like the smaller one.
NI had a little accident about 3:30 this morning and a branch on my
Cream Of The Crop'$ Cash Crop plant got pinched off from another
pot bumping into it. I know you are not supposed to clone a autoflower
but since it was an accident and the branch was useless and going to
Die anyways I decided to do an experiment and clone it just for kicks.
The cutting is alive and thriving. When I first made the cut and placed
it in the bubble cloner it was badly wilting. After about two hours it was
Standing tall again. When I turn lights back on I will post a pic
The mother didn't seem to even notice it missing. Actually
it seems that she took an immediate growth spurt. These plants
Grow so fast u can almost watch them grow. Autos are amazing- an
average of an inch and a half to 2 inches growth per day.
The proof is in my photos:420:
I just got finished supercropping so when they perk
Back up I will post some more pics.
The THC bomb auto'$ are growing at an explosive rate.
Thank u verymuch. I was on my neverending search for
info last night and found a technique called fluxing that
seems very interesting. As soon as my clones take root
I am going to try it. Just when u think u know it all u run into
something like this.
Uh-oh, my girl(THC bomb auto fem) in dwc bubble bucket
Looks like she might be getting a sulfur deficiency
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