Beauty vs. Brawn - A Multi Strain Multi Sponsor Grow Off For Bragging Rights

Well at least y'all 2 are making this thread look good @Lady Cannafan @Carmen Ray


🎶And blow the plant down🎶 wish I knew the words to that nursery .yeah this happens though. Duct tape won't work here. 🫤
Oh man Jiggi this sucks bad! I am so sorry!
Well at least y'all 2 are making this thread look good @Lady Cannafan @Carmen Ray


🎶And blow the plant down🎶 wish I knew the words to that nursery .yeah this happens though. Duct tape won't work here. 🫤
It was something like this (Oh blow the boat ashore) My old memory is not that good. 🍋
It was something like this (Oh blow the boat ashore) My old memory is not that good. 🍋
and @JiggiLotus

I think it was this one:

I’ll sing you a song, a good song of the sea,
With a way, hey, blow the man down,
And trust that you’ll join in the chorus with me,
Give me some time to blow the man down.

There was an old skipper, I don’t know his name,
With a way, hey, blow the man down,
Although he once played a remarkable game,
Give me some time to blow the man down.

His ship lay be-calmed in the tropical sea,
With a way, hey, blow the man down,
He whistled all day, but in vain for a breeze,
Give me some time to blow the man down.
Well, I'm doing another photo update. Day 49 of flower.
I walked into the grow room this morning at lights on and my first thought was "how pretty!"
The yellow does not bother me now, I am confident it's mostly due to the maturing of the plants earlier than I had expected.
The Mimosa EVO buds are putting out some lovely color, and I am excited to watch the changes daily. :yahoo:

:hug: LadyC:hug:
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