Be Irie.. BG,WR, and mystery 1st grow

Ok, quick update and question.. All are doing well.. They are on day 10 of flowering..

BG-1- 30" has grown a foot in 10 days. She is a sativa pheno and growing like it..

MB-1-27" slowing down on growing and starting to put on some weight. She is a indica pheno..

MB-2-27 " another sativa pheno- and still growing like a weed..

Anyone know of a good site that may have pics of the different strains. I gotta try and figure out what the mystery plants are..

I am a bit nervous about root lock... They are in 3 gal pots. When I put down the male, I checked out his roots and they were jam packed solid in there..Should I try to transplant to a 5 gal and what will this do to the ladies? Or should I grow them out and hope they dont get sick and wait until next grow to use the 5 gal pots.. Once the WR's show their sex I am going to trans plant the females ( if they are any)..:cool:
Yea, after thinking about it all night I have decided not to repot the big girls and let them grow out and hope for the best... Once the Rhino's have shown their sex I will transplant the ladies to the 5 gallon pots.. I am just afraid I will do damage to the big girls.. Hopefully they will turn out alright.. My grows will never see anything under 5 gallons again.. Chalk that one up in "lessons learned".. Thanks Boss for all your support...

Soft white CFL's are for flowering right?? I am going to add some more for the lower/side growth. I am thinking eight.. That will give me two 400's and eight CFL's....
CFL's are a good idea. I share your concern about the big girls too. I was going to repot mine, but with buds already getting big, just moving her was dangerous, and she had huge stems. Re-potting could have been disasterous having only 2 hands for the job, with a plant that large. But if I had had the height to grow it and help to repot it, I think I would have.
I wont, just the Rhinos.. they are small and being sexed... I do feel better now that I know some of your plants were in 3's because you have some monsters... I will goto 5's for any future grows... Heck, may add a 3 on top of the five.... I think I am going to convert a whole walk in closet into a grow room and it has 10' ceilings.... :cheesygrinsmiley:
It has been killing me not to take pictures...The camera gets back from Chicago tomorrow so I will get some up soon after..

It looks like both the Rhinos may be female.. I am going to give them a few more days just to be sure then I am going to transplant into five gallon pots and try to put them back into veg..They both seem to be favoring the indica dom..

Well, time to work on the computer, gotta change out motherboards.. fun fun fun..
It's like I am building another computer all over again... I have been having gaming withdrawls, hell thats why I am here so damn much!! I am using my GF's computer and it is so slow and outdated that I want to put my foot thru the damn screen....I just can't take this computer anymore.. :thedoubletake:
To funny, So I went to Comp USA ( they are going out of business) to get some thermal grease and walking around I found 6 gallon buckets brand new... two for a dollar... Last week I bought 5 gal. ones for like 8 bucks a piece.. So now I have a ton of five and six gallon buckets..
Ok, I snapped a few pics while they were in the tent.. I will get individual pics tomorrow when I water and clean the tent..Today is day 14 of flowering.The Rhinos are back under 24/0 so not in the pics.

Group shot in the tent

Here is MB-1

And here is MB-1

yahoo. I love those sativa dominant leaves +rep
Lookin great irie very nice setup. cant wait to see your results! i need to get myself some good lights. did u just pull the mystery seeds out of a bag or were they given to you?
we might have to get together and have a Mile high salute at harvest time!
Thanks you guys, That tent is going to be awfully crowded when I add the Rhino's to the mix...

Shaggie.. The mile high salute, gotta love it and bring it on..:cool: The mystery seeds are a choice between five strains..Take a look at page one for the strains.. I am hoping that I will be able to identify them here as they mature.. Any guesses??? Took pics this A.M. in better light, they will be posted upon approval..:cheesygrinsmiley:
my prediction
Mb1 Master K (Or blue Mystic cant see any blue hue due to pics)
Mb2 Afgani (looks like mine to me)

the taste will be the tell tale ;)
much easyer to tell by taste lol
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