I'm not sure whats right or wrong but I water the hell out of my plants every 3-4hrs and for 45min at a time, I even water once in the middle of night. I want to make sure the hydratron in my net pots is completely soaked until the next water time. My understanding hydro you almost can't water too much
I would think cubes only they got to be sucking them dry in no time.
this picture to me shows under watering the plants were telling you in the beginning
In hydro it is near impossible to water too much... the roots grow differently and they ONLY get nutrients form the water you give them... Think about this for a second, if it were easy to over water in hydro, how the hell would DEEP WATER CULTURE work?
The major difference between soil and hydro is the absence of any organic solids to decompose and rot your roots if it stays too wet.