BayAreaStoners New Beginning. Are you in?

Have you got a green wedding dress?? Not casting dispersions on your purity, just thought a green weeding dress would be appropriate for you.:biglaugh:
All the best. I just know what a buzz Hawaii will be for you and give OldMedMate a big sloppy kiss for me when you see him.:rofl::peace:
lol.. I donno?? Maybe OldMedMan (dad) can provide one for me? Hehehe! We will have to get together while I'm there and have some good food together OldMedDad.. And I think having a green wedding dress will be VERY appropriate for me.. SUPER EXCITED!! :yahoo:

At least a Lei or a Hukulei my girl ....... or some good Buds:ganjamon:
Wow alot has been goin on while iv'e been gone..Congrats and I wanna go see oldmed too....Be happy and this buds for :goodluck:
Congratulations BAS. You deserve good things in your life and I am glad you are getting to see some of them. Keep spreading the love out there and it returns 10x over. We love you. :peace:
Hey guys! I'm having fun in Cali right now for my sisters bridal shower. I'm a bud smoker!! I wiLl be nback hjome tomoerow!! See u guys dooon! Miss everyone!! And oi love allof iu guys!! I'm sending tjhid mrssege fromn my phjone!!n see ya'kll soon!!

Love You Girl:ganjamon:
Hey guys! I'm having fun in Cali right now for my sisters bridal shower And oOOoh manm I'm soooooo not a drinker!! I'm a bud smoker!! I wiLl be nback hjome tomoerow!! See u guys dooon! Miss everyone!! And oi love allof iu guys!! I'm sending tjhid mrssege fromn my phjone!!n see ya'kll soon!!

Lol, keep it real BAS. Big congratz to u.:welldone:
LoL for a minute there I had to think about the birth of my 7th child! I was like how the heck did u know we had our 7th child?? Cause we really do have a total of 7 children lmfao.. so i had to think when did I te.l u that we had 7 kids but i didn't and your talking about my plants hahahahhahahahhahaha!! Ya it was a great surprise to come home to!! :yahoo: I was stoked!! and pleasently surprised!! to say the least! hehehe!:yummy:

lol, happy 420 girlie.
So it's almost time to put my little ones outside! :yahoo: Im excited!! Are you???

Awesome! Can't wait to see the update pics when they head outdoors!!:popcorn:
and when I came home, I now have 7 plants!!! Yup LUCKY #7!! :yahoo: yup thats right one of the ones I thought was not gonna sprout finally popped up out of the dirt so my mom put her in with my other babies and now I have a total of 7 plants!! :yahoo: I have 4 Amnesia Lemon and 3 K-Train now! Im soooo happy! hehehehehheehhehehe!

woo hoo! lucky number 7!
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