Bassman's RDWC - High Defoliation - Master Kush Grow #2

They are seeds. Last grow was Kosher Kush, and I can't have a dedicated mother (yet), so these had to be seedling. Had they been clones the nodes would be tighter and the yield higher.

Thank BPN, and a good chiller, and lots of light for good growth rate. I also think having really high flow in the rdwc makes a difference. Using 1.5" pvc rather than some $1000+ systems that use 3/4" hose.

I popped seeds a bit ago for my next grow. I didn't take clones from these Master Kush sadly. And of 5 MK's I popped, only 2 took. Very odd. So I added 2 Martian Kush to the mix that have taken (was out of MK seeds). I really didn't want to mix strains, but I also didn't want to be 2 weeks behind in rotation. I'll be transplanting the seeds today or tomorrow I think into regular dwc to veg.
Thanks C,
BPN 2-part, Vita Blue, Seaweed, Liquid Blue Bloom Booster, and Hygrozyme.

Oh I forgot to mention C, I also use Fox Farms Bush Doctor Microbe Brew from veg to 1st week of 12/12. But I think I mentioned that in your thread possibly too.
so are you doing all this in two tents? Not that its any of my business just wondering? I plan on building a lil cabinet that can sit inside of my 8x8 LAB aka tent lol. If I can build or get a cabinet that will fit in the lab I can then have 2 seperate lighting regimens. Eventually I'd like 2 separate flowering labs on 30 day rotations and a 3rd smaller veg/mother room. One thing I am ALWAYS able to get is a good case of the "Wants"
I veg in a closet four plants now.

I needed to start a bit earlier, but had been delaying for a reason actually. Nothing to do with the plants.
Bassman, your grow is awesome. Period. This stage is one of my favorite parts of a grow...when they start to smell like bubble gum, and the buds look kind of fluffy, then they start to harden and the entire house starts to smell like a skunk. I remember my last grow and someone not in the know came over and I had all the doors open and they were like "it smells funny around here". and I was like "A skunk came wondering around in my yard and I shot at him with my .22 and he sprayed everywhere". He said "But it smells like bubble gum kinda too". I said, "Well, that skunk must have been chewing gum cuz i dunno, now get outta my house, I'm busy ;)...".
Well, FML. I didn't go inside the tent today until 5 hrs into lights on. And I have a another puddle! All the buckets are wet with CONDENSATION on the outside. The PVC shows condensation.

The humidity shows 63% in the tent at plant base.

I run a chiller, water temps are 68f. Room temp is 79.

Now I have no idea if this is possible, but could it be not a leak but condensation instead? If so, how do I fix this? I would think that with all the defoliation and humidity having been kept down more with less leaf mass, I dunno.

But I have a rather large puddle to soak up and again this leaves the girls lower on water than I want. I am at least 3 gals down in water level (roughly 15-17 gals in system) in 24 hrs.

aja, too stoned my friend.

3+ gallons in 24 hrs are gone from the system. Maybe 4 gal. This includes whatever the plants uptook.

Buckets have no way to overflow. Impossible. It's a closed system in that respect. Topped off daily.
Here is what I see. When you have water inside of a container which has a lower temperature that is lower than the outside environment, condensation will develop on the outside of that container. Take for instance a coca cola. It is typically colder than the outside environment. It will always develop condensation because the air surrounding that can is higher than the temp of the can hold less water vapor so immediate area surrounding that can is below the dew point.

Background: Relative Humidity--- IS RELATIVE. Meaning the amount of water that the air can hold is dependent of the temperature. As the air temperature rises, it can hold more water. As it decreases, it can hold less water. That is why when you listen to the weather forecast, they mention the dew point. The dew point is the temperature that the air is 100% saturated with water (can hold no more in vapor form) and it will condensate into water vapor...fog). So if the temperature of the water is cold enough that it cools the container so that the thin layer of air surrounding the container cools enough so that it is lower than the dew point, there will be condensation on that container.

I think that you are cooling your water to the point that condensation will form on the containers because it is acting just like a can of coke.

Why don't you do an experiment and turn off your cooler and see if condensation still forms? I bet that it won't. That can potentially cause a problem with your grow if the nutrient solution isn't cool enough so that enough oxygen is dissolved but I BET NOT. just turn the temp of your cooler up so not so cold.

The air in your tent probably has a high relative humidity (already humid so it can hold very little MORE water vapor) and if there is a cold pipe in that room, condensation will form on that pipe because the small area of air surrounding that pipe has enough of a lower temperature (due to cold water flowing through) that is drops below the dew point (point at which the air cannot hold any more water vapor and it will condensate into liquid)....on that pipe.

THat is what is happening.
3+ gallons gone means that the air in your tent is very humid and has a very high Relative Humidity. Meaning that the air cannot hold much more water vapor so that anything colder in that environment will have condensation on the outside.
I have never had this problem b4 and I think its because I've never used a chiller. Don't see a need where I am located. Might need it 2 weeks a year if your growing in the attic. 3gal a day is a problem I would think! Try changing shit up because blue is true I'm learning to find...
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