Bandaid Haze #7 And Other Goodies

Interesting. why does scoring the roots do for you if it stays in the same pot? Making a mother? Hi Pennywise:ciao:
Sorry what did I miss scoring the roots lol
@Kingjoe83 you slide the rootball from the pot and trim the roots back then replant. The roots will grow out again to fill the pot. It allows you to keep mature plants in smaller containers.
@Kingjoe83 you slide the rootball from the pot and trim the roots back then replant. The roots will grow out again to fill the pot. It allows you to keep mature plants in smaller containers.
So you are using the Bonsai mother method to keep them healthy in a small pot and keep them indefinitely ? I cant find the thread I read on it but they had it laid out so you can follow along. I may try that when I clean out a space for them
Yes here’s an old one
hear is the one I was thinking of. It describes the process pretty well

Update for 4-13-20
The BH7 mom is growing a lot of low growth now so almost time to top her again. Should get 3-4 nice cuttings once I do. The youngsters will go outside this weekend. I’ll start a new round of seedlings as soon as these are moved out.

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