Bandaid Haze #7 And Other Goodies

That would be the only way, would be over night parcel.

A member on here sent me a clone via the mail b4 it was a mandarin cookies clone an it came in alil cup like deal that held the soil an whatnot an it had a lid with a sticker light on it so u cud send it in the mail an the light wud stay on for a few days 2 make sure it made it 2 the destination an it did. I popped it into some soil the day i got it an it was going gud for awhile i had tht one atleast 2 or 3 grows with it so mite be worth it 4 ya 2 look for sumthn like tht if u guys r needing to send clones 2 one another.

Man, I use to take clones well-rooted in rooter cubes or we used rockwool and then put in VCR cases in zip lock bags and overnight clones to friends back in the 90's... I'd always put three in a case in case of deaths,, but they made it alive as a rule...

But those are cool clone mailers they have today tho......
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