Thursday, January 9, 2025

Bagseed In Cabinet Under CFLs In Dirt

Can't edit it any more, so I'll make a new post. Cake came out good, tossed a bunch of Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate chips into the cake after I poured the mix in teh pan. Ate a piece, it tastes great, can't taste the weed. I did steep the weed in a double boiler for a while, before draining and putting oil in. Didn't occur to me till 5 hours later, why not throw the stainless bowl I put it in, into my toaster oven at about 250? Did that for about 3 hours, pot came out dry. Oil came out clear with a green tint. Looks dark in the camera though. The cake mix package said to use 3 eggs, a 1/3 cup oil, and some water. I used a bit more oil, was more about 1/2 cup, I think. Cake is really moist. Good stuff. Gotta warn roommate that it's special cake, hehehe.

EDIT: whattyaknow, it'll be 4:20 soon! w00t w00t, y'all know what that means... ;)

EDIT2: Pssst! Means I better hurry finish my beer, because with teh first bong hit after 4:20, I needs coffee! :)

EDIT3: I got 8 minutes! Chug chug chug, burp!
Happy Labor Day, folks. Hope y'all ain't gotta work. :) Hope y'all have kick-ass BBQ parties!
Pics to start September out proper! :)

Overall pic

Girl 2

Girl 3

The cake I was making the other night, in the oven. Sadly, no after baking pics. Shared and ate it too quick, hehehe

EDIT: ^^my super duper hermie cake, as a belated bday gift to meself, lol.^^
Thanks, b.real! Let's toke up and taste her soon!
Thanks, Spimp. :)

Yesterday I added two more 23w bulbs to the cabinet. Wish I had known it was so cheap to do so, sooner. Cost me about 8 bucks, at the HD, for some lamp cord and 3 sockets. Haven't wired up third yet, because I don't wanna mess around moving the girls and stressing them.
not too hot in there? whats temp around canopy with new bulbs? I run 118 watts in a cool basement with no fan at ~85-90f :thumb:
Honestly I can't be certain of temps right now. No thermometer. :( But I do have fans, and will be wiring up some more soon. :)

Oh, and I swapped that nasty-looking, unsafe socket for a new one. :)
Happy 4:20 AM!
Got two joints rolled, ready to go. :)

Got spider mites, but no money, so I went with what I had: A drop of Dawn in a pint of water, lightly misted on leaves, but not on buds.
Damn, looking back through all my pics of this grow, I realize: I've mad mites for a fuggin WHILE now. Shoulda taken care of them sooner. But, misted 'em with Dawn-tainted water again this AM. They've got a few weeks to a month to go yet. Any suggestions if I may take more drastic measures? Working today, if my head stays on straight, and my knee cooperates, so should have $$ tonight, may make it to the HD. Wanting so damn bad to go to proper grow shop, but none in my area and I haven't got wheels. Online it'll have to be, down the road, when I finally get a way to pay electronically. Found some cool stuff on HD's website, says it's all natural (basically, no artificial chemicals), and for mites, so may try that tonight. It's made by "Monterey," and says it's use is compliant with the "National Organic Program." Any yay/nay's?

EDIT: In other news, I finally cleaned my water pipe, and WOW can I see a difference. Damn, I got lazy with cleaning it.
Thanks, John.

EDIT: Going back through my journal here, and looking at pics, I gotta say it seems as if the problem started in #2, and was established as early as week 4 of veg. Look for the #2 in this post: Bagseed In Cabinet Under CFLs In Dirt can see little tiny white spots on the leaves.
Happy Sativaday, y'all! Well, today marks itself as day 38 of flower (5.5 weeks or so).
Hell ya! Starting to fill out. You will see that they pack on the most weight the last 2 weeks. Dunno when that'll be for that sativa could go 10 or 12 weeks... Watch the trichs. Also, NEEM THOSE LADIES! surprisingly though they look like they are pretty alright still if you nip those mites now before more bud devolopment.
Thanks elibrium! Yes, 10-12 weeks is more than possible for my favorite skinny bitch, hehehehe. But am pleasantly surprised to see how much they're growing the more I wait. Last grow harvest a couple weeks too early. Not doing that this time. Oh, and I just did neem them. :) Was hesitant, but sprayed the whole plants, from above, below, sides. Hopefully kill every little fucking mite on there. :)

:) Loving to see them trichs glistening in the lights when I check on them after I get up in the AM. :)

I got a half pint of 70% Neem Oil, by Southern AG, at HD for around $8. It's supposed to make more than a few gallons, so it should last a long time, and I'll help friends out too, if they need some.
Stopped to pick up a buddy in OR for hempfest checked him and his bros medi grow out in their greenhouse and saw the worste infestation ever all 30 plants covered... I was like jeez bro! Your lucky i cropped before I came here! I would of had to like burn all my cloths and shit! :) they inhereted a few plants from a different caregiver and bamb! Just started throwing pistols too! I think they went the route of predator mites.. I thought they shoulda just mixed the right dose of neem in some barrels and literally dunk the plants in the evening for quicker results since in preflower. They all only in 5 gallon pots about three feet tall. It'd be a pain but save the yeild I think. His neighbor had some fricken treesssssss though.... Had Em all on 12 foot centers.

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