Bagseed DIY cabinet grow - Wonderberry - fall '09

I just entered the major cola plant in the plant of the month contest. I am not asking that anyone vote for me as I only entered it so that more people could see her beauty. It is the only place I feel comfortable posting pics of my plants outside of my journal or the FAQ section as I do not want to jack a thread from anyone else.
Harvest stage one complete. The girls were fed GH Flora: Micro, Gro, Bloom. Also GH Floralicious plus, AN Revive and a Vitamin B1 complex with chelated micro nutrients.

Plant 1 pre-harvest:

Plant 1 post-harvest:

Plant 2 pre-harvest:

Plant 2 post-harvest:

Plant 3 pre-harvest:

Plant 3 post-harvest:

Trimmed buds taken from the plants (the ruler on the left is a stainless steel 18 inch model):

Hanging to dry in a box:

Niice harvest... Looks like you got yourself some good quality meds.

Tommysnoboard, LST = Low stress training & Scrog = Screen Of Green.
Harvest stage one complete. The girls were fed GH Flora: Micro, Gro, Bloom. Also GH Floralicious plus, AN Revive and a Vitamin B1 complex with chelated micro nutrients.

Plant 1 pre-harvest:

Plant 1 post-harvest:

Plant 2 pre-harvest:

Plant 2 post-harvest:

Plant 3 pre-harvest:

Plant 3 post-harvest:

Trimmed buds taken from the plants (the ruler on the left is a stainless steel 18 inch model):

Hanging to dry in a box:


Ok so I tried +rep'n you again..sOrry gotta owe you one. Well done!!:bravo:
I lost a couple of grams to the dreaded MOLD. I can hear the horrible gasps now. It is alright, I cut all of it out before it got to bad. It was probably only 5 or 6 grams.

I have rearranged all of the flowers and my wife added a fan to the box so hopefully they will dry without anymore problems. I guess that is what I get for harvesting a day before the rain came.
Joe Coffee, Tommysnoboard, DroJo, Woodsman, Leave Weaver and Butcher; thank you all for stopping by and for all the nice comments.

Leave Weaver, I plan to flower with nutes for another two weeks and then harvest stage two. Then repeat for stage three and possibly four depending on how the plants fill in.
I lost a couple of grams to the dreaded MOLD. I can hear the horrible gasps now. It is alright, I cut all of it out before it got to bad. It was probably only 5 or 6 grams.

I have rearranged all of the flowers and my wife added a fan to the box so hopefully they will dry without anymore problems. I guess that is what I get for harvesting a day before the rain came.

Joe Coffee, Tommysnoboard, DroJo, Woodsman, Leave Weaver and Butcher; thank you all for stopping by and for all the nice comments.

Leave Weaver, I plan to flower with nutes for another two weeks and then harvest stage two. Then repeat for stage three and possibly four depending on how the plant fills in.

Mold happens, but seems like you and your wife got a handle on it. I've had it and ya, just cut it out and keep the fan on you'll be fine. Man you've still got plenty of good smoke on there. You won't miss the grams!:goodluck::cheertwo:
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