BackLip Is Back With Green Crack & Sour Jack

I’ve Been debating or not if I want to try these on my Boptang run or not... are they “better” then MC? Is it worth going back to mixing all my nutrients in, one at a time again... so time consuming! But I think I want to try it out idk!
I've got two of those boxes in the shed, but I really can't see going from one little cup of powder to 7 bottles. I'm sure they're great nutes though. @TheMadDabber used to run them and got great results...not sure what he's running now.
YeH I ran the remo. Liked it a lot. Suggested feed strength is way too high like most nutes, but results were great! I'm pretty sure @Tony Urban is running that line now.
No one can hold the baby, and will have to see her through the glass... it’s kind of sad.
Its very sad! When I had my first he was high risk I couldnt imagine doing it with all that going on. A buddy of mine just had another kid this week. They opted for home birth to avoid the hospital.
I remember looking at mine through the glass, that was standard operating procedure for my first, he was so teeny! Won't be long you'll all be home healthy, safe and sound! Cheers Big B gl bro!
Damn!! That sounds like you and your family have had a rocky toad from the start!! Hopefully your oldest is happy and healthy today!!

less then a month away brother!!:nervous-guy:

our first was 8 days early, so my guess is the wife will go into labour on the 12th. We will be celebrating our first daughters third birthday on the 7th of May! Going to be a busy next couple weeks for me!! Lol I haven’t stopped “nesting” all week!! Lol yard work for days!! It’s nice to have all the time to do it right now... I was about to shoot my self in the face I was getting so bored!! Lol (no faces were blown off in the making of this post)
I've got two of those boxes in the shed, but I really can't see going from one little cup of powder to 7 bottles. I'm sure they're great nutes though. @TheMadDabber used to run them and got great results...not sure what he's running now.
thanks shed!! I’m having a hard time having the motivation to switch from a small amount of powder... to 4+ bottles every time I want to feed. I’ve got them, and I would like to try them because experience is key... but like I said I’m having a hard time finding the motivation to “want” to switch lol!

now let me ask you, if MC is older, and it goes to that off coloured (almost clumpy) form of MC. Is it just as officiant as if it’s freshly opened?

the stuff I’m using is in a air tight container, but it’s a bit older and seemed to of absorbed some moisture. darn!

YeH I ran the remo. Liked it a lot. Suggested feed strength is way too high like most nutes, but results were great! I'm pretty sure @Tony Urban is running that line now.
Thanks mad dabber!! I appreciate you taking the time to help with the question!! I said a while ago that I was going to check out tonys journal to see how he/his plants like the nutrients... just been super busy!! Having a hard time keeping up with the notifications lol.

Ive got some of your genetics by the way. I look forward to trying them out!! :high-five:

Its very sad! When I had my first he was high risk I couldnt imagine doing it with all that going on. A buddy of mine just had another kid this week. They opted for home birth to avoid the hospital.
That’s crazy! Opted for home birth! Wow!! Scary stuff! Hopefully they had a healthy baby and everything worked out for the better!!
You skate a lot? I wish I had more time to get to our local skate park not a bad lil track....


This was the run I did w. Remo also the same mom as the PSM crosses I made idk if you got some of them or not
Man it's been a while since I saw the love tub! Thanks for answering the call Them.
I'm back in the bonsai group grow now. Thought about starting a thread but I already have a breeding and outdoor thread lol figured ill just update those ones
Yeah I haven’t fed my plants at full recommended strength. I listened to HyenaMerica on that. Because I use a reservoir and I am assuming the plants use what they need...I under mix alightly. Then between fresh batches I add a few gallons of fresh water to the reservoir.

Any unused or concentrations are diluted. Then I detach the lines and res, clean it, and add the fresh batch of nutrients.
Damn!! That sounds like you and your family have had a rocky toad from the start!! Hopefully your oldest is happy and healthy today!!
Way easier than many others big B!

He's 24...he's great. He does have something called Asburgers Syndrome, but it's not from the baby room it's just where they stashed babies in the hospital up here back then still!

I call him George Washington... he cannot tell a lie, and no filter lol! I know my dinner was amazing if he says "eh, it was ok". The other two are 21 and 18, I've made it way too comfy for them big B, you need to start priming the pump to kick those munchkins out asap or you might get stuck with them forever! :yahoo:
Just as, though if it's absorbed a lot of water your weights may be off by a bit.
Thanks for that shed! I was thinking the same thing. The weights might be a tad off... I’ll have to keep that in mind when going forward with it. I may even try get a picture of it to post here so you can see first hand (I guess second hand because it’ll be a picture! Thanks again shed!!

You skate a lot? I wish I had more time to get to our local skate park not a bad lil track....


This was the run I did w. Remo also the same mom as the PSM crosses I made idk if you got some of them or not
I used to skate a lot. Everyday, all day long. My local skate park was my second home away from home. When I wasn’t at school, or at home, I was there. Our local skate park isn’t very good, but it’s all we had. A local concrete guy built it, for cheap. Rather then hiring professionals, that know how to make an inverted ramp/quarter pipe properly. I wish I had more time to skate, but having a family, and working became more of a priority then skateboarding. I’m not in shape anymore, and my knees just can’t handle it like I used to. But hell yeah I love to be on my board. I was actually just doing flip tricks in the back yard patio the other day... it’s a sad reminder, that I need to quit smoking cigarettes lol.
a lotta fun I tell ya!! Rolling into the half pipe, and fly out the other side! Throwing a melon grab! I’d like to try a melon grab 360 out of that, but the park is closed due to covid.
Your plant looks great bro!! I’ll have to go inside and see what strains of yours I have. Hang on a sec. back in a flash.


it looks like it might just be!:thumb:

Yeah I haven’t fed my plants at full recommended strength. I listened to HyenaMerica on that. Because I use a reservoir and I am assuming the plants use what they need...I under mix alightly. Then between fresh batches I add a few gallons of fresh water to the reservoir.

Any unused or concentrations are diluted. Then I detach the lines and res, clean it, and add the fresh batch of nutrients.
Awesome! Thanks for chiming in tony!! :ciao:

Way easier than many others big B!

He's 24...he's great. He does have something called Asburgers Syndrome, but it's not from the baby room it's just where they stashed babies in the hospital up here back then still!

I call him George Washington... he cannot tell a lie, and no filter lol! I know my dinner was amazing if he says "eh, it was ok". The other two are 21 and 18, I've made it way too comfy for them big B, you need to start priming the pump to kick those munchkins out asap or you might get stuck with them forever! :yahoo:
Hahaha oh I’ve been priming the engine for that since she came home three years ago. No free rides!! Hahaha just playin around! Thanks for sharing PBass!! Your boys sound like they’ve been raised right!! Good to see you man! Lol I’m only 6 years older then your oldest. Haha sounds like him and I could get along!! :high-five:

well I finished trimming/jarring a few days ago. I haven’t weighed anything. Haven’t sampled them either. Except for, well the entire jar of bakerstreet. Damn that stuff was tasty!!

That’s the bakerstreet.^
Next up is the Sour Jack.

Next up is the green crack/ green crack clone.

other then that. Not much to report on.

here’s a picture of when I was jarring the SJ up.

have a great day everyone!! I will try and get some weights and pictures of buds here in the next day or so as well. Then I can close this journal for good!
Niceeee. Yep those are the beans! Man looks like you were a lot better than I ever was lol. I'm definitely outta shape but my daughter keeps asking about skating with me so I figure well get her out on my longboard here pretty soon. Also, I sent you a request on IG....
Niceeee. Yep those are the beans! Man looks like you were a lot better than I ever was lol. I'm definitely outta shape but my daughter keeps asking about skating with me so I figure well get her out on my longboard here pretty soon. Also, I sent you a request on IG....
Hey thanks brother!! Yeah I was pretty good! I mean I knew a lot of people that were better then I, but I could hang! The goal was to get sponsored, if I kept at it like I was, I was probably only a couple years off of it. Ohh well, I’m happy to get clean from the drugs, and start a family. Sweet man! I’ll take a look later... my insta is all my personal life... so there isnt many from the 420 forum that has been granted access lol. I’ve got like 27 pending requests... (sorry guys)
Here’s another photo of me from 12-13 years ago. I didn’t land it, but it’s still a pretty rad photo. :headbanger:

Hope you and your daughter get out to do some boarding!!

These are dabbers Grape Krush x Stankberry with Remo's nutrients

DAMN!! that’s a frosty plant!! :drool: Thanks for sharing that Tony!!:high-five:
Well glad to hear you got clean man. I used to do wayyy to many hard drugs way to often. My family was most certainly the catalyst to my "sobriety" cause obviously I still smoke and drink... but glad to hear you got outta tha life style as well! And no worries about IG I totally respect the division of real life and grow life
Well glad to hear you got clean man. I used to do wayyy to many hard drugs way to often. My family was most certainly the catalyst to my "sobriety" cause obviously I still smoke and drink... but glad to hear you got outta tha life style as well! And no worries about IG I totally respect the division of real life and grow life
Right on man!! I’m happy to hear you choose the family life as well! :high-five:
I love my daughter, but it’s sure nice to have quiet time when she goes to bed!:laughtwo:

The moment everyone I was waiting for. was harvest day for the SJ last night. She was looking down right gorgeous! Almost a lemony/citrus smell from her. It was day 89 of flower. For a strain that advertises needing 63 days to flower from the breeder, I’m shocked to see it go 89 days. Oh well, what’s done is done...

She’s hanging in the tent right now. I unhooked the light and hung the plant on what was holding the light up. I still have two small fans in there blowing in opposite directions, but not directly on the plant. I have it to have one big circle of air flow in there.

She will spend about 5-7 days in the tent hanging, then will be jar’d up.

Will update again, when the plant is getting put into jars!

Braddah what a beautiful plant!! Don’t mind me. Just catching up in here and wandering aimlessly. Aloha my Braddah!! I hope all is blessed in your world for you and ohana!! Painting I can do.. taping a straight damn line to save my life is my malfunction :laugh:
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