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21 for 21! Pretty excited about the germination of the seeds. Apparently I can’t count and started 11 of the honey banana lol. Super excited, they will stay in the closet until they get a little stronger and better root system. Still have to get my tent/shed ready to go 100% before I move them out there. Still might have to run the heater out there for a while, it’s still pretty cold here. Set up my LED panel above them for now at about 3 feet for them to get use to it. Set up a fan also to get some air circulating. Going to check them periodically tonight to make sure it’s not to intense for them in their still delicate state. Cheers guys/gals we are officially growing around here :).


21 for 21! Pretty excited about the germination of the seeds. Apparently I can’t count and started 11 of the honey banana lol. Super excited, they will stay in the closet until they get a little stronger and better root system. Still have to get my tent/shed ready to go 100% before I move them out there. Still might have to run the heater out there for a while, it’s still pretty cold here. Set up my LED panel above them for now at about 3 feet for them to get use to it. Set up a fan also to get some air circulating. Going to check them periodically tonight to make sure it’s not to intense for them in their still delicate state. Cheers guys/gals we are officially growing around here :).


@LED209, I just had a big celebration over a 3 for 3 germination. So thanks for calming me down. :laugh:
@LED209, I just had a big celebration over a 3 for 3 germination. So thanks for calming me down. :laugh:
Lol that wasn’t my intention. I always start a lot of seeds. I was accounting for some not making it, some being male, and some going to my friends. I will only end up with 6 or so in the end. These babies have a long road ahead of them. October is a long ways away!
Lol that wasn’t my intention. I always start a lot of seeds. I was accounting for some not making it, some being male, and some going to my friends. I will only end up with 6 or so in the end. These babies have a long road ahead of them. October is a long ways away!
Looking forward! :Rasta:
Not much to update today. The Babies are still…babies. I’m debating on only growing 2 plants outside this summer. I really only have room for 2 in my planter (if the plants get as big as I hope) since I moved from the best backyard I’ve ever had a few years ago. I was planning on throwing 2 more in 65 gallon grow bags but I’m tryin to decide if I want to buy that much dirt. Since I don’t smoke anymore I’m pretty torn right now. 2 large plants should provide more than enough for my family to enjoy all winter so we will see.

I may just put a few in smaller bags. I’ve pulled QP’s in the past out of 20 gallon bags so I may just end up doing that. Still trying to decide. What I am sure of is flowering a couple out in my tent once I move the rest out. I’m pretty excited about that since it’s been soooo long since I’ve done so. Since I am not sure how the honey banana seeds I popped are going to turn out, it would be cool to get a glimpse of what’s to come in October.

Anyways, hope you all are doing well. It’s supposed to bump up into the 70’s next week so I’m hoping to move the plants out to the shed when/if that happens.
I've pulled 10-12oz off of plants in 10 gallon bags that had to fit through the shed door, so I have no doubt you can double that on yours!
Those are awesome numbers to pull out of a 10 gallon bag my friend.
So it’s been a little over a week since they have been put into the solo cups. They are growing and getting a little bigger. I think by this weekend I’m going to try to move them into the shed. They seem to like the spare room closet but my wife doesn’t really like them in the house so I’m happy that she at least said it was okay to start them inside. Here’s some photos of how they are moving along so far. First picture is one of the honey banana, second photo is the wedding crasher runt that looks like I’ve been over watering (it was my last seed to pop and has been behind the whole way). Third pic is one of the other wedding crasher. I’ve been pretty much watering them all the same but seems the Lil guy isn’t as thirsty as it’s bigger friends. Think I’ll give them a little bit of nutes this weekend also at 1/4 strength. Hope everyone is having a good week!



Hey everyone! I moved the plants out into the shed and inside the tent. It’s a little
Cold out there so hopefully my small heater can bring up the temp a bit. I wanted to put like 4 of them in 5 gallon grow bags(the ones I wanted to finish inside but I don’t think there is room. I’m going to put those ones in 1 gallon pots for now, the rest are in 2 gallon containers. Will be easier to transplant into the grow bags from a 1 gallon. I don’t think the lil guy is going to make it. Since I have plenty I don’t really feel like baby sitting it back to health. Don’t really have room for it anyway. I’m probably going to have to get rid of some as soon as they show sex. Fun stuff!

What’s up guys/gals today I decided to transplant the plants from their solo cups to the 2 gallon pots. I still need to pick a few more up tomorrow. I noticed today roots coming out of the bottom of the cups so I figured it was time :). They are also drying out within a days time so it was needed. I also got my new timer in, up until now they have been under 24 hours of light but I’ve always been a fan of having a dark period (my wallet likes it too). Here are some photos of the gals getting the transplant, hope you all are having a great week.







Congrats on the transplants...they're starting to take up a lot more room!
Yes they are. I’m not sure how they are going to make it another 2-3 months inside my little tent before they make the move outside lol. May have to put them out earlier and supplement lighting till the days are long enough. I’ve done that in the past. I’m sure there are a few males in the bunch so that will free up some space eventually. I’m just happy to be back at it again, growing feels therapeutic to me and I have missed it.
Update 2/24. They sure do grow fast :)! Hard to believe they barely sprouted about 3 weeks ago. Not much going on other than vegging. They all look healthy, just waiting to see how many males are in the bunch. If I remember correctly it takes 8-10 weeks or so for them to show sex so we still have a ways to go. Hope you are all doing well. I was away this weekend with my wife for her 30th birthday so I have some catching up to do on some of your journals. The tent will quickly fill up :)



Hey guys/gals update 3/13. The plants are still doing their thang. Continuing to get bigger. I’m actually quite surprised on the honey banana seeds. I’m not sure exactly what they got crossed with, I found these seeds a few years ago on my outdoor buds so I assume a neighbor of mine had a male somewhere? The thing that kinda amazes me is how uniform they all are. They are quite squat and bushy compared to the wedding crasher. I have yet to top any of them yet because of the lack of space in my tent. I think I seen some pistils starting as well on a few. Hoping they will all be showing in the next week or two. All very green and healthy!

I’m also starting to pick favorites lol

I’m not always correct on this but in the past I’ve noticed that the taller ones without much lateral growth tend to be males more often than not. Do you notice this also? I’ve got 3-4 of the wedding crasher that look like this so hopefully I am wrong, about 4-5 inches taller than the rest . Hope you all have a great Sunday!
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