B.I.D.'s Revolution #9 1 Plant - 1 Light A Love Affair - Blue Dream - Mars II 400

Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

BIIIIDDD...I have a question to ask you....from all your infinite wisdom....lol :Namaste:
I asked this question in another journal...but wouldn't mind hearing what you have to say. So do think that a plant should/would yield more all things being equal....700 w full spectrum vs 700w bloom only spectrum during flower? I only ask this because it seems to me..that if you have the same exact wattage...except you are technically giving the plant more of the light it requires to fruit/bloom...since flowering uses more red than blue....!!?? What are your thoughts on this....? And...when are you going to get someone to sponsor you to do a test run....lol ...all due respect!!!

Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

hola :circle-of-love:

BIIIIDDD...I have a question to ask you....from all your infinite wisdom....lol :Namaste:
I asked this question in another journal...but wouldn't mind hearing what you have to say. So do think that a plant should/would yield more all things being equal....700 w full spectrum vs 700w bloom only spectrum during flower? I only ask this because it seems to me..that if you have the same exact wattage...except you are technically giving the plant more of the light it requires to fruit/bloom...since flowering uses more red than blue....!!?? What are your thoughts on this....? And...when are you going to get someone to sponsor you to do a test run....lol ...all due respect!!!

umm that comment about getting a sponsor im going to assume is tongue in cheek, cuz if you really have followed as many of my journals as you say you should know i have had quite a few sponsors over the years 3 different led company's thus far lol
to answer your other question ,,there are many theories about led lights that do sound very logical, im at a point where i cant offer any solid opinion because i have not used full spectrum led or bloom spectrum led i have only used topled' and budmasters regular spectrum's and the factory recommended settings with the i-grow leds, so for me the best i can do is say that your question / statement sound logical.
there are many questions and many test runs to go before i will be willing to do more than just report what i see and the results, sorry cant jump the gun and lose my objectivity :rocker:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

hola :circle-of-love:

umm that comment about getting a sponsor im going to assume is tongue in cheek, cuz if you really have followed as many of my journals as you say you should know i have had quite a few sponsors over the years 3 different led company's thus far lol
to answer your other question ,,there are many theories about led lights that do sound very logical, im at a point where i cant offer any solid opinion because i have not used full spectrum led or bloom spectrum led i have only used topled' and budmasters regular spectrum's and the factory recommended settings with the i-grow leds, so for me the best i can do is say that your question / statement sound logical.
there are many questions and many test runs to go before i will be willing to do more than just report what i see and the results, sorry cant jump the gun and lose my objectivity :rocker:

Bid....the"when are u going to get a sponsor to test regular spectru vs bloom only" was a complete joke(sarcasm) as I have seenu test top led, and watching I grow lights.....!! I basically was giving a sponsor an.excuse to send u a couple more lights.....lawwwd knows....we will watch...the results....lol!! Rock on brother...rock on!!
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

time to update ya'll on the "blue dream milf" lol shes looking like she wants to make some buds what do ya'll think??
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

Great Update BID wow you do have a lot going on :thumb:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

Great Update BID wow you do have a lot going on :thumb:
,i have to cull and give away a bunch before it gets away from me all the babies in 2&3 liter hempys are autos(except the 3 bd's in flower) and will be gone in 6-7 weeks from now,all but 1 male will be fed to the worms or juiced for green drink, im giving away all but 1-2 of the blue dream clones, i already culled 3 of the hempys that were male, and the blue mystic was a hermie (wasted 3 months of support on it) and the male gdp will get juiced as soon as he gives a gram or 2 of pollen so it's really not as bad as it looks lol :thumb:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

Just dropping by.. Photos look really good :high-five:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

well its just a pain growing from seed sometimes as luck would have it the hbd has turned out to be male so the last of this round is the grape13 it does appear to be a female i saw some pistils tonight good thing or it would have been a bust all but the grape13 were male,hermie or died! everything left is clones! at least i have them to save this round, im hoping the grape13 is a treasure , i took pics i'll get them up in the next couple days, i moved the autos to the flower tent and the gdp & hbd to the veg tent for a day or so till i decide if i want pollen, and it was haircut night, tea brewing night and a big feed night, as you may have gathered i was rather busy, im whooped and its past 1am,my last bit of gdp is gone so im going to enjoy my slumber tonight
goodnight 420 family you rock!:rocker:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

I see green LED's in there and I assume just those can be lit for dark cycle working. That thing is awesome
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

I see green LED's in there and I assume just those can be lit for dark cycle working. That thing is awesome
hiya CH not actually green when i color correct the white balance on my camera to take the pink cast out of the pics it makes regular lighting look green,so those "green" leds are more like a white or full spectrum i believe, notice hoe the reds look orange and pretty moch all off them are not true to their actual color,,i just posted it cuz i thought it looked cool like the mothership is gonna beam me up ! (grabs butt and starts screaming"no probe im still sore from the last time!!) lol j/k
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