B.I.D.'s Revolution #9 1 Plant - 1 Light A Love Affair - Blue Dream - Mars II 400

Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 Plant,1 Light A Love Affair (Blue Dream/marsII400)

I love me some vanilla, caramel, coffee flavors in our DAB - not even close to the gear you got going BID but it does the job :)
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

i like the blueberry blackberry and vanilla custard ,vanilla ice cream,i cant stand any of the nut flavors like toasted almond or peanut butter from baker, dont know bout others yet,i mix 90% my own im a 90-100% vg guy , and sub ohm with a dripp atty is where its at! funny thing is im to this point at 6-7 months since i started the vapin most ppl have taken years, i allwayz get as far into things as possible as fast as i can, i started mixin flavors a month in my first vape was the mvp 2.0 vv/vw i was drawn to the competition level equipment right away mainly because i always want the premier experience with everything i hate crappy stuff lol
and i figured it would be the best equip to use with cannabis :rocker:

I'm hip...to all that. I don't tolerate poor quality stuff in anything I do. That means I do without sometimes (read: most of the time), but my pappy said this to me often..."NEVER settle, but ALWAYS temper your enthusiasm".

One word: cinnamon..

DUDE! I just picked up a flavor called cinnamon rolls that smells just like cinnabon cinnamon rolls. I can taste the butter and the creamy icing, but the vapor is very dry. That's good though because the cinnamon flavor hangs on. It's really nice.

I wish I knew what you guys were talkin about. I use the G Pen, and I can say it pretty much sucks. Yeezus BID those vapes look military grade! I'm just a defenseless pathetic civilian over here and you guys are speaking in acronymns and stuff I can't understand. It looks nuclear powered. I want one.

Yes...yes you do :trance:
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 Plant,1 Light A Love Affair (Blue Dream/marsII400)

One word: cinnamon..
i have 2 that are good but a bit too powerful for an rda,i find them harsh on the throat
I wish I knew what you guys were talkin about. I use the G Pen, and I can say it pretty much sucks. Yeezus BID those vapes look military grade! I'm just a defenseless pathetic civilian over here and you guys are speaking in acronymns and stuff I can't understand. It looks nuclear powered. I want one.
the g-pen is entry level wont chuck the vapor hard enough for me, no offence bud i started with that camo mvp lol so when i tried a regular carto/clero tank i was like wtf? this is weak! lol i always go both feet into the deep end i actually considered filling a smoke machine and hooking up a vacuum cleaner hose!! but thats to much juice to waste if it does not work and i dont feel like hauling around a generator hehe !
Alien Visions Ejuice has a cannabis flavored juice; no thc; I've been buying from him for over 2 years; located in Cali.
i have heard of them but i have not tried any flavors beyond baker vapor and a few from the local shop im really into mixing my own organic juices with 100% vg i like a soft or non existent throat hit and giant clouds i had to drop my nic down to .6mg from 18mg cuz i was turning green after 2 hits ! you get so much more vapor with rda's i can fill my bedroom with fog like a hot shower in a tiny bathroom with just a few hits!! talk about your clam bake bammmmm!! cant wait to fire it up with cannabis vapor!!

I love me some vanilla, caramel, coffee flavors in our DAB - not even close to the gear you got going BID but it does the job :)
now your talkin im rankin on some vanilla/yellow cake batter/vanilla custard tonight 100% vg 0 nic tonight cuz im chain vapin mad fat clouds tonight! yeah buddy!!! kerkow!!!

Man Doode I leave for a few weeks and you are into all kinds of stuff. Knowing you it is all good !
im just skitzo like that brother!! im the biv lately!!! shazam!!!
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 plant,1 light A Love Affair (blue dream/marsII400)

I'm hip...to all that. I don't tolerate poor quality stuff in anything I do. That means I do without sometimes (read: most of the time), but my pappy said this to me often..."NEVER settle, but ALWAYS temper your enthusiasm".

DUDE! I just picked up a flavor called cinnamon rolls that smells just like cinnabon cinnamon rolls. I can taste the butter and the creamy icing, but the vapor is very dry. That's good though because the cinnamon flavor hangs on. It's really nice.
sounds tasty.. i have not found a buttery flave that i really like yet but im lookin i like sweet creamy custardy type stuff the most then i dig berry stuff , so far all nutty types make me vomit in my throat! i like this 1 premade from baker they have a line called "gwar fluids" the one im in love with is "jizmogoblin" a blueberry,custard,vanilla, type i cant get enough of i wanna blend it with cannabis oil omg time to change the shorts!!
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 Plant,1 Light A Love Affair (Blue Dream/marsII400)

I read that gism ogoblin - not nearly as appealing as your description when read incorrectly :)
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 Plant,1 Light A Love Affair (Blue Dream/marsII400)

Oh this is your thread,,,,,,, from the looks of that last picture hell I thought I was in a head shop. Keepem Green
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 Plant,1 Light A Love Affair (Blue Dream/marsII400)

Mine's been chugging last few days too. Not sure why, but I also just changed service providers (after 17 years of vendor loyalty) to one with a higher bandwidth. Might have something to do with it.
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 Plant,1 Light A Love Affair (Blue Dream/marsII400)

Let me guess, running windoze BID? Grow up and format that baby and give her a good dose of Linux - don't care which distro just drop that bad Windoze habit :)
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 Plant,1 Light A Love Affair (Blue Dream/marsII400)

Ookla uses speedtest.net, so I just go straight to speedtest.net as I've used that for years. speedtest.frontier is another I've used recently. You also want to run it 3 times and average the speeds too
Re: B.I.D.'S Revolution #9 1 Plant,1 Light A Love Affair (Blue Dream/marsII400)

I upgraded my speed (pay more) from like 20mbp to now >100Mbps. You can use Ookla to test your speed.
i would be trilled with 20mbps but theres no alternate provider here use the dsl or pay insane amounts for slower and limited plans from hugesnet or dish they know they have us over a barrel just a mile away i could get 50mbps for 35$ from the cable co. we pay 65 for 6mbps and after 100s of speed tests from every test site i can find were lucky to get 3mbps
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