Autos: Royal Creamatic & Bluematic - 250W HPS - DRII Tent - Soil - New Farmer!

Some close ups of the kid'os! I got abit worried about stretching so I've lowered the lamp to about 15" above the plants, reaching about 30C/86F. Night time temp is around 19C/66F which might be contributing to stress/stretching?

it takes a while to start off their pretty much seedlings for the first 7 to 10 days, once the first set of real leaves have started forming then it should pick up, all though it will be pretty slow, but give it a couple of weeks and you will be shocked at how quick they grow, its just a slow start thats all, i got some seedlings here that are 2 weeks old and have only just started growing their 2nd set of true leaves, but as soon as these first leaves form and get light the plant will start to pick up and grow like crazy, as long as the day time temps are good they will be ok,
it takes a while to start off their pretty much seedlings for the first 7 to 10 days, once the first set of real leaves have started forming then it should pick up, all though it will be pretty slow, but give it a couple of weeks and you will be shocked at how quick they grow, its just a slow start thats all, i got some seedlings here that are 2 weeks old and have only just started growing their 2nd set of true leaves, but as soon as these first leaves form and get light the plant will start to pick up and grow like crazy, as long as the day time temps are good they will be ok,
Same experience hey @ donpaul.p having a problem could you check my journal and shoot an idea out there
yep, dont worry to much mate, just make sure your not over watering as this stunts growth loads, i know as i found out the hard way, so let the top of the soil dry out and then water, i water around every 4 days now, just depends on temps,
make sure their is not a fan blowing directly on the plants as it will dry the leaves up really quick and kill the plant,
but as long as you keep the temps in the right range and your not over watering then they will soon take off, the seed leaves dont do to much but once the 2nd set of true leaves is growing then the plant will grow quicker, at around 3 weeks you will be shocked at the growth
*Help Autos: Royal Creamatic & Bluematic - 250W HPS - DRII Tent - Soil - New Farmer!

Guys. Im starting to get worried. Im passing 2 1/2 weeks now and I don't see to much progress. I've watered twice in these two weeks; big pots so they've held their liquid alright without being a swamp. There are slow forming of two leaves on top of the original set but they are dead slow. I have a low nutrient cactus soil, heat is 30.xC86.xF "daytime" and 19C/66,2F "nighttime". Schedule 17/7. Fan blowing upward on and passed light.
They did stop growing upwards and concentrated on growing wider leaves since a week ago or so, which I see as a positive thing though. After I watered them the other day the stems turned purple. Due to cold shock?
I moved the light a couple of cm up cause i fear the temperature swing might be to big?
Imo the leaves are paler/a bit yellow compared to in the beginning, is this a tell tale sign at such an early stage?
Should I stay frosty a week more?

In my opinion, you should increase to somewhere between 18/6 and 20/4. 7 hours of darkness for seedlings is too much i think. You might also be able to move your light closer - just make that fan of yours blow directly up on the bulb if it gets too hot.

You could also try misting them with some Co2 water - just make sure the PH is allright ;)

I found this great chart (Regarding light distance)

So with your 250w, you probably dont wanna be much more than 13 inches away.
Ok, cool. Lamp at 12.2 inches now. Opened the tent more as well as the door to the room which will let in colder (18C/64.4F) air from the adjacent room.Got hold of 2 computer fans as well that I'll try to connect to a power source before long. What I've learned so far is that I've underestimated the heat from the lamp. Tent is situated in a 64.4F cold room but still I easily reach 86.x F in shaded plant level.
Some more photos of the purple stems now crawling into the leafs stems. Mostly seen on the Bluematic and maybe thats why it has that name?
Oh, and lighting changed to 19/5.



hi mate, dont get misting the plants with water when the lights are on, mist them after the lights gone off, any water left on the plants when the light is on will cause it to burn the plant as it magnifies the light.

their could be a couple of problems here, one is over watered, but you can check this by pushing your fingers down into the soil towards the edge of the pot and push the fingers down about 3 inches and pull them back out, if the soil is really wet then its over watered, if its dry then this rules out over watering.

now you have mentioned you are using cactus soil, this has little to no nutrients in it at all,

dont worry about the temps, just make sure their right now, also id raise the light slightly as well, plants this young should not be to close to the light as it causes bleaching which could be the case here.

the other problem is the cactus soil, this has no nutrients as cactus survive on basically nothing, the problem is its hard getting the nutes right with plants this young, also make sure when you water the plants that its with water that is room temp, this will stop the shock.

so it could be over watering, its not under watering we can tell that by looking at the plant, so check the soil for how wet it is.

the light might be bleaching the leaves as its possibly to much for the autos at this stage so try raising the light a few inches, you dont want strong light on the plants to soon as they cant take it.

now with the cactus soil it might be their is nothing good in the soil for the plants, so if you have nutes id make some up at 1/5 of the strength or even weaker, and do a slight water about 2 inches away from the stem, this should allow the roots to get some nutes.

let me know how you get on, dont give the plant anymore cold temps as it will slow growth even more, if the temp is to low then they will stop growing,
donpaul, those are some solid advice. Im 99% that I dont overwater, I take great care there. However, I have had some thoughts along the line with barren cactus soil. I never dared to venture to far with those thoughts since it's usually taboo to add nute this early afaik. But I definitely hear what you say about this and agree. I'll give it a go when the soil is abit more crisp than now. Thanks for the good advice and back up!
no worries mate, just doing my best to give you some help, could you not go out and get a bag of normal compost, just dont go with miracle grow as it contains a lot of slow release nutes that will cause problems at some point, just get some basic compost, i use some really cheap stuff and it works ok for me with my nutes, so give that a try or add a very very weak mix of nutes with your next water.

let me know how you get on
Ok heres what I've done: I've watered the Creamatic and Bluematic with lightly nuted water. Thats somewhat of a chance since 1, soil isn't 100% thirsty yet and 2, nutes on kids is abit of a no-no. We'll so how it goes, the soil is obviously barren and I believe this is why the plants are slow as hey. Only other thing I might have done wrong is being to shy with the lamp, starting to far away from the plants in the beginning. So, I've started germination of a second Creamatic and have prepared standard potting soil with perlite and see how that goes. Expecting faster growth.
sounds like a plan then mate, i dont think the light would of been the issue, having the light further away will make the plant stretch and be lanky, im pretty sure the problem is the soil your using, cactus soil is pretty dead with very little benefits in it, so this will starve the plant of any goodness and nutes and micro nutes that it needs, im not even sure if cactus soil contains anything these plants need.

if it was me id try and transplant if its still possible, the put it in a pot with regular compost, all i use is some cheap compost from my local super market and it works ok, all though i have not used perlite and i will be using some with my next grow, i think my soil was not airy enough and this slowed growth, but perlite should solve that problem,

let us know how the plants going mate.

they are very slow for the 1st 2 weeks, when they are at their 3rd node this is when they take off and grow like crazy
Hey Paul! It was definitely the barren soil i used that totally stunted the plants. I could transplant one to new soil and it picked up growth but still its a midget. I've planted 3 new seeds in proper vegetable soil and they grow like mad. I'll update more soon.
How did this grow turn out?

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