Auto Topping Thread

Sorry i got mixed up with the info of days im stating the 2 autos are.also they were topped at the 4th node lol.these 2 plants are 49 days old today 7 weeks.have a trim and all bottom growth ready for flower;) here is automazar
and here is northern light blue auto
the pair;)
and back in there home;)
thats all for now .happy growing every1;)
Cool thread and thanks for the info. I am bout 1/2 through flowering my 1st ever grow and having fun with it learning tons from everyone on here and the normal other forms of media that I seem to see a lot of the same ppl on so thanks to you and everyone else that takes time to fire stuff up to give those of us just getting rollin a running start at that curve everyone needs to blast through

I have some Autos that I ordered which I kinda of plan on running 1-3 with the Photos plugging them into where ever I can since even though I have prop,clone,veg and flower areas I am wokrin with a small space.

I am going to be changing around a few things and ordering another light (want LED but torn between growmau/Greengene DiY deal or a Perfect Sun setup but that is another convo lol) which is going to open up a few more options for me.

From someone starting, Autos are looking more and more appealing to me, yet anytime I try to have a chat with ppl about them it is as if I raked my nails across a chalkboard they way some cringe. It is almost as much as when I tell them the next light I am adding will be a LED and do not really understand the stygma of them or actually both. I imagine it is sort of the same for both being huge unfulfilled claims early on in their development and some base their judgement of tech from several years ago and I am sure like anything else the tech has changed massively so unless you have a open mind you would have a pre formed opinion from a apple to a orng.

I don't know, blah blah blah babblin, but ya I think the 3x4 area I am opening up I want to fill with autos once I get a light for it which I hope to do in the next week if I can figure out which route is going to work best for me and the area I have. Pretty much every grow thread or video I have seen it seems you guys are getting killer results and so long as a guy does what spose to and nothing crazy or huge, you will get a nice harvest.
Billy welcome mate and thanks.glad ur interested in autos there great.and can be pushed to the limits with great results.have u got a current grow on here? Then we can a follow along and help anyway i can.oh my leds are cheap basic led,s and i get great u dont have to spend alot on lighting to get a heavy harvest;)
Cool thanks Beast.

I did start a Grow thread fired up and it is full of poor spelling, gramatical error and just straight babblins of a old school race car/hot rod mechanic that struggles with tech and is working his way through his first ever grow and just reading it may stunt your own garden with its stupidity LOL

Once I move a few things around I will have a nice area that I think will do autos in once I can jimmyjack me a light and will still have a 3 tent set up for photos. I talked to Neil about a PS1k or 2 Dwarf Star but that Growmau/Greengene/other DiY type deal keeps drawing me that way just because I like building stuff and to me seems in truth most any of the lights using using the new tech and isn't a cheap knock off or 2 yr old closeout should give me results inline with my low skill cap right now :laughtwo:

You guys are getting such nice results with autos I really don't get why it seems to me like some ppl are negative about them but that is kinda the internet no matter the subject I spose. I just put 2 DarkDevil and 2 THC Bomb in water so with my seed germin % I should get 1 plant to move around.

I need to order more seeds just because I was wanting to do that whole tent same strain. I could just start a couple of diff strains from the drunken night I ordered them grabbing intending to only get ne strain my girl wanted and one I did but we were all faded and ended up with a bunch of packs of 3-5 seeds of whatever.
theres a coupla top'd girls in'd 4 or 5 more of the younguns last night.

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