Auto Growers Unite: A Community Thread

The seedling just sprouted a few days ago, so i think i should pull the seedling and replant in new pot and new soil?
Contact the supplier and show them pics of the gnats. Tell them you want a refund or a replacement. FFOF is junk to me. When you see pics of gnats in their soil that only means they are getting worse and worse. Hopefully they will honor their guarantee and refund or send a replacement. I wonder if they are changing their mix with cheaper substitutes?
I remember watching this before I even set up a grow tent. The problem with this video, only in terms of the current discussion, is that it only deals with heat and doesn't touch on humidity, but thanks for posting anyway.
temperature change is relative to humidity if you have rh in tent at 70% then put ac in tent pump hot air into tent humidity will drop. You must have ventilation in a grow room. How u control is like this set ac to temp you want room the more less humidity u want you control with temp of your ventilation air warmer vent air make less rh in tent. Trust me it works
I think im going to steer clear of it from now on. I mean, it IS $$$. And in all reality, any soil can and will have these pests.
Mine never has as of yet however that could change but in a few years it hasn't happens since I started making my own mixes. Too much peat does that. It holds water for too long and larvae just loves to form in it so that being said my soil does not contain nearly 30% peat moss....
Mine never has as of yet however that could change but in a few years it hasn't happens since I started making my own mixes. Too much peat does that. It holds water for too long and larvae just loves to form in it so that being said my soil does not contain nearly 30% peat moss....
I cant make my own, but do you have a recco for me? East coast usa here.
temperature change is relative to humidity if you have rh in tent at 70% then put ac in tent pump hot air into tent humidity will drop. You must have ventilation in a grow room. How u control is like this set ac to temp you want room the more less humidity u want you control with temp of your ventilation air warmer vent air make less rh in tent. Trust me it works

Lol, if you saw my tent, you would see that an a/c is not really an option - it's wall to wall flowering girls. :)

I understand the relationship between heat and humidity and I'm quite happy with the temps just not the rh. I believe my only real option is increased ventilation. My outside temps are a good 40 F cooler outside the tent with rh between 40 and 50%. I just need to bring more of that in and pump more of the humid air out.
How do you guys get them to grow like that id love to learn. I'm on my first grow now and would love to know as many tips and tricks as possible .. this is my Auto does everything look good so far she's a week in soil yesterday
Lol, if you saw my tent, you would see that an a/c is not really an option - it's wall to wall flowering girls. :)

I understand the relationship between heat and humidity and I'm quite happy with the temps just not the rh. I believe my only real option is increased ventilation. My outside temps are a good 40 F cooler outside the tent with rh between 40 and 50%. I just need to bring more of that in and pump more of the humid air out.
Well my grow rooms humidity is controlled great by ac window unit I have an entire room 15 x 12 I built a closet around ac window to confine but I monitor room for future grows when I have more lights. In the room ac set to temp that you want to maintain turn heater up to keep ac on it is not cold temp that gets rid of humidity it is pushing wet air over condenser that draws out moisture I chose ac because u can get one Craigslist for like 35 bucks
Well my grow rooms humidity is controlled great by ac window unit I have an entire room 15 x 12 I built a closet around ac window to confine but I monitor room for future grows when I have more lights. In the room ac set to temp that you want to maintain turn heater up to keep ac on it is not cold temp that gets rid of humidity it is pushing wet air over condenser that draws out moisture I chose ac because u can get one Craigslist for like 35 bucks
By the way for example I have the my plants harvested and hanging in the room 15 x 12 just harvested on 4 20 it has been 100% humidity out side and 60 - 75 degrees non stop. Good thing I have my setup everything is good
some peeps have to learn the hard way
Well my grow rooms humidity is controlled great by ac window unit I have an entire room 15 x 12 I built a closet around ac window to confine but I monitor room for future grows when I have more lights. In the room ac set to temp that you want to maintain turn heater up to keep ac on it is not cold temp that gets rid of humidity it is pushing wet air over condenser that draws out moisture I chose ac because u can get one Craigslist for like 35 bucks

I was using 2 x gallon bottles of ice to condense moisture and was pulling about 1 litre of moisture from the air per day, but that was only lowering the humidity by about 10%, so I upgraded my exhaust fan as I was only using a pc fan, but that still wasn't enough. I looked into a dehumidifier, but the smaller ones only pull around the same amount of moisture, so there was no gain there, and I believe a larger exhaust will do the job more efficiently than a more expensive dehumidifier, because, as I said, the rh of the air outside the tent is perfect, I just need more of that in the tent :) With my tent flaps partially open, the rh in the tent is currently only 42%.

I'd love to have the luxury of more space, but we've all got to make do with what we have available and a window a/c unit is just not a viable option.
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