Auto Growers Unite: A Community Thread

Happy Easter every one. Ok, I guess I'll be the first bonehead to ask ??s on Easter Sunday. I have bowl of trim from last nights harvest. Want to make cannabutter. What should I do with the trim until I have time to mess with the cannabutter process. ? Thanks for your quick responses. And if you have made or know of an easy foolproof way to make it, please link me in. Great day everyone
Happy Easter every one. Ok, I guess I'll be the first bonehead to ask ??s on Easter Sunday. I have bowl of trim from last nights harvest. Want to make cannabutter. What should I do with the trim until I have time to mess with the cannabutter process. ? Thanks for your quick responses. And if you have made or know of an easy foolproof way to make it, please link me in. Great day everyone

It's safe to freeze until you're ready to get busy with it. Or you can dry and cure it which may improve the potency.

You'll need to decarboxilate it before you add it to butter. It's hard to do with conventional home appliances because it's hard to meet and sustain precise temperatures. Success is possible though. I'll try to find my favorite YouTube videos that explain and walk through the process.
It's safe to freeze until you're ready to get busy with it. Or you can dry and cure it which may improve the potency.

You'll need to decarboxilate it before you add it to butter. It's hard to do with conventional home appliances because it's hard to meet and sustain precise temperatures. Success is possible though. I'll try to find my favorite YouTube videos that explain and walk through the process.

Thank you so much. Actually, is there anything easier I can do to make use of the trim other than cannabutter? Thanks again
ok,only question because im trying to understand this is why did it happen? did i screw it up somehow? Will picking this off damage or kill the plant?

I was told like this the reason it happens sometimes is because of stress but also has a whole lot to do with all the inbreeding of strains !!! Look what happens to dogs when they breed them over and over again they start to get genetic issues well unfortunately cannabis is the same way to much inbreeding starts to mess with the genetics!!! At least that's what I've been told and it makes sense to me !! No marriage to Sisters or Cousins!!! Otherwise your uncle is your father!!Live-Love-Learn
Trimmed everything this weekend came out with 680 grams.
I have a two journals going . One experimental auto that I've tried to kill with the myths of autos. And another I topped today at 11 days old. From what I've found , autos are MORE Hardy than photos. That is my opinion and I'm sure it's not shared but I took 110 leaves over 3 days and she won't slow down(this was to increase budsites light) . I think the biggest thing I've found is that they can be trained to handle anything. I micro dosed her at 7 days old and now she's drinking black coffee pretty much handling nutes at 1.5x recommended dose. I've defoliated her her entire life. Seems we need more real knowledge of autos. That's why I love it here, lots of good info .Fixing to have a monster in a short time
Thank you everybody i took it off. I will keep a hawks on on the plant for any of these. Thanks for all your tips and advice will keep you guys posted. Penny,Joe and flower thank you guys like always :thumb:
I got this bro some great peeps in her to help ya beo

I'm so impatient at this point. I know it isn't, but this stage of growth just seems to be eeking by so slowly. Just wanted to share the pretties.
Feel your pain on the waiting game.

It will be worth the wait tell yourself that.

Seems to get me by . Hahah.
Hi Everyone -

I've got a few autos that I think are ready for topping. Can I get an opinion or two?


I've got 5 auto strains (Tutankhamen, Amnesia, Northern Light, Northern Light Blue, Crystal Meth)
3' x 4.5' x 5' grow area, air replaced almost 3 times a minute
Average temp between 68F and 75F
2x 300w LEDs, 20/4 Light Schedule
Roots Organic Original Potting Soil, 2 gallon fabric pots
1/2 strength Fox Farm Big Bloom added into last feeding, plain phed water feeding today

My full grow journal is here: Mariwannna's First Grow - Indoor - Soil - T5 - 1000W HPS - Five Strains - Auto

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Muchas Gracias!
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