Hi Hap,
The Azos sounds like a good idea, certainly more beneficial bacteria are going to be helpful. Consider though that this is just one leg of a 3 legged stool, bacteria, fungi and microbes, so although helpful, your organic grow is still not going to be complete without the microbes that come in with the Geoflora.
I know it seems all the rage right now to start autos in their final container, but this is simply marketing hype to help them sell autos, an inferior product by definition because one side of its genetics is Ruderalis and by definition it has to have less THC than its regular counterpart. They sell autos to the gullible public because it increases revenue... they can't be cloned, most sales are feminized seeds, and most consumers have to come back over and over again for more seeds. They have convinced the public that they are easier to grow, faster, use less nutes, no transplanting... but its all hype. A plant is a plant is a plant. All plants are better with a good rootball. The only way to make a good rootball is to constrict the size of the planter in the early stages, and then build up from there. With autos, it just is done faster. There is a myth, again to promote Autos, that transplanting shocks the plant and hurts your yield. Don't believe the lies. You have done well start the way you did, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If I believed in growing Auto plants, I would uppot my plants several times and would ignore the marketing hype and not listen to the zombies who parrot these myths online.