@Emilya @Bill284 @Verbalist @Trala @Paul Squiggle @Moony
Cant remember you all, but thank you
Thanks for the tag Growings
I’m honored.
Is the light spectrum or cam which makes the warm purplish shade? Would be easier to say if you’d take photo under natural light - to see ”the real shades of green”
But judging by the current look;
- Newest leaves are kinda like thin blades -> could indicate excessive Potassium
- Lower/older leaves Magnesium deficiency visible & most of the leaves looking like theres Mg def/lockout happenin
- some of the leaves having almost burnt tips
- some leaves having protein burn visible on the margins as well (K excess or def)
So I’d guess youve fed too much K (Potassium) which is locking out Mg.
OR it could also be excessive Ca which locks out Mg and Potassium.
Potassium excess and lockout having same kind of foliar symptoms.
And some of the top leaves are folding up a little bit, which could also be a sign of plants temporaly lacking K - plant tissue does not transport enough water and nutrients for the parts where needed the most.
So you said you water for a minimal run off or if it all? It could be simply just built up salts.
Do you have any idea what kind of amounts K, Ca & Mg you feedin them?
And at what age/stage is she?