BG is on 2 daily feed morning and night now still on 450ppm. Seems the sweet spot for these hempys and the frequncy of watering. Its amazing how much it sucks up during lights out. Not quite as much but nearly as much as lights on. Hoping all that extra water helps her get big and fat. Seems to be enjoying it so far.
The Cherry OG is getting a much more distinct smell than ever before. Cant name it but it smells OK. BG is starting to get quite smelly but not too chemy yet. More like a really strong coffee/cocoa smell. No noticeable resin glands to speak of yet tho. Will be coming soon no doubt with the smell she got.
Can only fit 5" pots in the nursery tent wih 12 plants, so bought some and will pot them up. Only an extra inch, but will give then some room. In the future i will try keep numbers down and use bigger pots. But not willing to get rid of any yet till they get a trial run each.