AussieBlue's Perpetual Grow Journal: Next Generation

The two Black Candys are female and the Purple Mountain Majesty is female. So out of all those reg seeds i didnt get a single male. Hard to believe.
Still got the Gunslingers coming up next so hopefully all males. .
The midget Doc Holiday plant and the 4 Gunslinger seedlings potted up for sexing under 12/12.
Thanks PW, she is on my list of keepers for now . Pulled up at just the right height too. Light on that side is at full height. Its funny i look at it and think it should be further along but probably have 6 weeks yet so it is probably on track. Another 4 weeks of growing and 2 weeks of ripening/swelling and she may chunk up.
Dont think the Sour Kosher is going to make the grade. Grooming the Candy as a backup just in case. Didnt want to use her yet but options are limited. Will assess come Sunday. The others aint quite big enough. Candy isnt quite out of reveg bit neither was the GT and it came good pretty quick. Hate having a gap in my system, its meant to work like clockwork. .
Yeah i still have a Kosher Kush as well but i had a mite problem a while back and a few plants just havent really recovered. I threw out 2 three foot kosher kush and sour koshers already. I havve anothe kosher kush that may come up ok yet but my plan for those strains is to kick more off from seed. Sort of bumbed because they were 2 i was really looking forward to. 3-4 weeks in they were just covered in webs and if i had of left them id still have mites. Were too big to control the pests on. Now i got it sorted. Little sacrifice for bigger gain.
BG is on 2 daily feed morning and night now still on 450ppm. Seems the sweet spot for these hempys and the frequncy of watering. Its amazing how much it sucks up during lights out. Not quite as much but nearly as much as lights on. Hoping all that extra water helps her get big and fat. Seems to be enjoying it so far.
The Cherry OG is getting a much more distinct smell than ever before. Cant name it but it smells OK. BG is starting to get quite smelly but not too chemy yet. More like a really strong coffee/cocoa smell. No noticeable resin glands to speak of yet tho. Will be coming soon no doubt with the smell she got.
Can only fit 5" pots in the nursery tent wih 12 plants, so bought some and will pot them up. Only an extra inch, but will give then some room. In the future i will try keep numbers down and use bigger pots. But not willing to get rid of any yet till they get a trial run each.
Pre repotting. Have pinched the tops out of them all last weekend. Will take a clone of each as they go into flowering when their time comes. Some may have to be cloned just if they get too big.
There is actually 2 Black Candys in 6" pots already but they will go into the final veg tent soon. Ones i am particularly curious about.
Just a few random pics of some of them.
Cherry Bomb #2. Best brancher. Will be a good plant and love the shape of those bigger fans.

Nukehead #1.

Rootbound no doubt. Even 5" pots wont cut it, but got to remember bonzai till their time.

My BG #2 clone.

The 2 Black Candys. One squat one lankier. Liking the one on the left if i had to pick but at this stage means nothing.

GTX (only one i have, precious).

Triple Nova.

Las Vegas Triangle Kush. Staked as it just doesnt want to hold itself up right. May be sensitve to wet feet is my thinking.
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