Damn, still no pic posting. Anyway the Candy mother i put in is doing well. Will be 6" over the screen come the 2 week mark on sunday. Easy. Veg plants are super healthy. Had one go bushy more than up so that clone will get a tub sunday. The 4 way and the Black Candy #1 are close to done. Pity the Doc Holidays buds ran, cause damn it is frosting up like a snowman. Need sunglasses to look at it.
On a very lucky note i had 2 police turn up last night and come in for a chat. Yes i nearly had a fucking heart attack, anxiety attack and shit and piss myself at the same time. Luckily i had just sprayed the house and they came in and talked about an unrelated mater i somehow got nominated in, thanked me and went on their merry way. Now thats stealth put to the test. Terrifying. I was nearly crying when they left. If it was any other night of the week it could have been completely different. Still thanking the gods.