AussieBlue's Perpetual Grow Journal: Next Generation

With a bit of adjustment on how tight it was screwed down ive got the noise of the too fan down to about the same level as running a 4 port air pump so not too bad. And will only run while lights on. So no nightime noise. Will be fine. Really strong draft getting sucked in under the cupboard doors. Am going to redo the seals on the sides and tops of the doors with some wider foam strip. Keep that air coming from down low.
Killer set up Aussie, can't wait to see how the girls get along

Thanks Pennywise. Yeah pretty stoked. High hopes. Decided im going to put two low passive air inlets in tomorrow and just get it done. Just some short lengths of 50mm tube with some of those filters i use in the hempys to stop bugs but get good airflow. Not much more i can do after that except cool the house/bedroom with air conditioning. Very optimistic about the new years growing tho. Got a feeling it will be a good year.
Just a spacial reference of my mother tent vs cupboard. Havent eaten all day. Probably need to get my blood sugar up. Nothing special, Cooking up some chips'n'gravy
Back home from Sydney. Mad place. Been a hectic week but back on track from tomorrow. Everything seems to have survived without me.
Got some perlite and some more nutes in my travels. Not as coarse a grade of perlite as i wanted but better than the bunnngs stuff.
My Candy x Blach Gold cross seems to have the strong health Candy gene. Grown a little while i was away. Will get potted into a hempy tomorrow and go into flowering. Will throw the SK back into the cupboard. It smells absolutely awesome even if i dont get a good yield i still jave to try it out.
SK clones got some roots while i was away. Will just keep this one.

Candy #2 mother. Ready to get a couple of clones off her. Has slightly firmer buds than the first Candy i grew. Could easily get 6oz plants from her from 2 week vegged rooted clones. And #2 finishes 2 weeks earlier. Bonus. She is a ripper. Lots of fine tuning coming up on this one...

Will net about 5oz off the one drying and it was far from perfect.
Back home from Sydney. Mad place. Been a hectic week but back on track from tomorrow. Everything seems to have survived without me.
Got some perlite and some more nutes in my travels. Not as coarse a grade of perlite as i wanted but better than the bunnngs stuff.
U should have told me u where coming down. I would have shouted u some bud
Candy #2's stump. Time to give the bucket to another. May do a few multi plant buckets with some of the smaller ones just to get through them quick and out of the way. Kill time untill the candy machine is rolling. Will see if anything looks promising as well.
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