Aurora Indica - CFL - Soil - Grow

Hey all. Not much going on in plant news. Girls are looking healthier by the day. Toned the light count down from 6 to 2 then up to 3. All 100w but use 26 or something.



CBD God Bud


Athena's Clone

Veg Room Update

I am planning to move around Jan 1st. Finally out of debt! Gonna be paying double my current rent soon but I'll be able to live completely on my own. Definitely worth it. Probably going to have to change my indoor garden setup tho. Could be good. We'll see.
With a new place of residence, I need to be more careful about my gardening shenanigans. Stay safe yo :ganjamon:
The little one , the pic where I see your finger, is it light burn or nute burn?

I think it's light burn. Only used veg nutes once or twice with this one. I was keeping the lights about 2 inches away but then noticed a little burn on the lower leaves, so I backed it off to 4+ inches and she still burnt herself again. Don't even know how she managed that but she is doing great now. Not really concerned because I've toned down the lights and she has lots of new growth. Once her new growth is big enough she wont need those leaves anyway and they can be chopped off. Excited to see if she is a she or actually a he.

She looks burnt for sure!


Haha yeah man. Still trucking along as if nothings happened though!
Could be to much heat in general? How hot is your grow area? The best way to rule out nute burn would be to test your soil with a pH meter the only reason I say that is because just "trucking along" could make the problem about worse. If it's a deficiency and not a burn you could lose plants very quick :)

Could be to much heat in general? How hot is your grow area? The best way to rule out nute burn would be to test your soil with a pH meter the only reason I say that is because just "trucking along" could make the problem about worse. If it's a deficiency and not a burn you could lose plants very quick :)


Hey Jimdog. Hope your doing alright bud. I'm like 99% certain the burn was due to poor genetics. So I'm not worried about it. I keep all my plants a nice safe distance away from the lights, but because this one is poor genetic bagseed, it looks kind of weird compared to my other plants. The burn isn't spreading so it's definitely not a deficiency. My veg room is usually pretty cool so heat is not an issue. I never PH anything though. After growing Aurora Indica, I have re-established plant needs. AI will take anything you give her and use it to make her strong. Super duper easy plant to grow. But in nature, there is no one to ph the plants water. So they must have some built in nutrient stabilizer or something. Idk. My logic is: if I get anything, it's a bonus.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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