Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze Auto

Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

sweet, was it brand new or were the bulbs even. just incase they need changing sooner then u think:) u dont want to be wasting electricty on bulb putting out a lot less lumen then there suppose to. im not sure bout T5s to much as i only have 2 small ones, but the cfls need changing maby every 3-4 grows, i was told by a grow shop keeper. I can only get 20-32w cfls in my country:( and i cant get these eather whitch are pretty handy
i guess il have to order onlineRoorRip
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

sweet, was it brand new or were the bulbs even. just incase they need changing sooner then u think:) u dont want to be wasting electricty on bulb putting out a lot less lumen then there suppose to. im not sure bout T5s to much as i only have 2 small ones, but the cfls need changing maby every 3-4 grows, i was told by a grow shop keeper. I can only get 20-32w cfls in my country:( and i cant get these eather whitch are pretty handy
i guess il have to order onlineRoorRip

I love using them. Those adapters mean I can sit my main cola right up there in the middle of them. They make a more efficient side lighting with CFLs too, and good side lighting means denser buds.

Atrain, that explains the success in your grow. Love and good lighting. Seriously good lighting. I remember cautioning you in the beginning about it being too much light. Obviously I was mistaken. :thumb:
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

Hey new grower did you water the soil to avoid the nute burn ....did you ever do a flush ?
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

Yes ill post pics of the widow she looks allot better now she was getting burnt up so fibally I just said fuck it. I was worried the time release would be activated more by a flush but I fkushed her out and she looks 10 times better and is budding nicely.. the haze was the same way just not as severe... and as you can see the cheese took everything I threw at it
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

Ok folks im facing a major dilemma...... im at about 10 percent amber trichs in the cheese I would like to let her go a little longer BUT I was just informed by my company that ill be leaving town on business for 2 weeks starting march 8

So im bebating chopping on the 28 and drying and jaring before I leave and having wife monitor and burp OR I have to let go til the 8 and chop and hope it doesnt dry out too much before I get home .... wich would be a fucked up deal after all this let me know what yall think
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

Hey I'm sorry I can't help but did you water your plants ..?
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

I started with small amounts wjen the were young directy to the base of the plant and increased slowly to full soaking with about 10 percent run off at the end in the 5 gal pots it was 1.5 to 2 gal at the end..... but I ley the soil dry pretty good between each watering.... also the widow started to burn so I flished her a few times along the way and it helped dramatically ill be updating her and documenting the cut down of the cheese on the 28
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

Given the dilemma atrain, I think your choice to harvest her on the 28th is a good one. That way you have her jarred up before you go. I'm sure your wife can manage the cure for you while you're gone. Bummer! At least you'll be able to enjoy the harvest. It's such a rush! Take pictures so we can share the experience. :green_heart:
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

Looking very even and frosty, make sure you put on a jacket or you might catch a cold. Would be interesting to manipulate the temperature in search of purple buds and fan leaves. No harm no foul. Are those individual 300w CFL's? And if so what temperatures? I'm assuming something close to a full cycle configuration?
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze


W Well 60 days into it and shes in the closet now.... tops were 20 percent amber bottoms about 10 so im ok with chopping a little early.....-

Now I know I want to make hash out of the trim I have and the small stuff I trimmed off but my question is does it have to dry the same as the big buds or can I dry a little more and put in a bag to wait on the other 2 to finish.... guess what im asking is if making hash can the buds be over dried or does it matter since its only trichs

And ive still got 2 in the oven im sure they will be enjoying the extra space and light this beast was hogging up
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze

:yummy::yummy: cant weight to see the W.Ws dry weight looks tassstie :goodjob: im smoking abit of alright pollen now that i got:tokin: and i was thinking about makeing hash too for my left overs and popcorn buds, i dont like throwing it all out and iv seen people using stems and the rest for making hash. Id be intrested to see how u do it, im not realy sure how or what the best way to do it is. And Brownies too:drool:
Re: Atrain Indoor T5 Closet Grow - White Widow Auto - White Cheese Auto - Royal Haze


W Well 60 days into it and shes in the closet now.... tops were 20 percent amber bottoms about 10 so im ok with chopping a little early.....-

Now I know I want to make hash out of the trim I have and the small stuff I trimmed off but my question is does it have to dry the same as the big buds or can I dry a little more and put in a bag to wait on the other 2 to finish.... guess what im asking is if making hash can the buds be over dried or does it matter since its only trichs

And ive still got 2 in the oven im sure they will be enjoying the extra space and light this beast was hogging up

BAR keeps trim with trichs and popcorn buds in the freezer and then pull out what they need for cooking. I plan to use what I picked out and trim after drying to make butter. I'm pretty sure it needs to dry first, but it only takes a couple days to do so. It has to be decarboxilated for cooking purposes, but that's what will happen with butter making.

I know nothing about making hash.

Every part of the plant that is above the surface is covered with trichomes of one sort or another. It's all useful for medicine.

Excellent harvest atrain. What a rush, no?
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