Sorry I had a lot to do in my own garden by the time I opened my laptop I had to be up for work in a few hours
In my opinion I’ve come to find that SIPS and bottled nutrients just don’t mix that seamlessly.
At least in my experience.
Putting any amount of nutrient solution in the bottom of the sip is a no go and I will never change my stance on that.
it doesn’t make any sense when you think about how we’re trying to feed with bottles.
We mix up a certain ec or ppm at a certain Ph so that it’s readily available for the plant to use immediately…
Well what happens in hydro when your plant starts to drink?
We monitor the ppm and ph and add a nutrient solution the corresponds to what we need to increase and maintain that level.
But how do we accomplish that in the res out sips drink from?
What happens when the plant starts drinking and the strength of that solution becomes too much for our plant or the ph swings and becomes far too acidic as water is used up?
And all the while this solution that is swinging one could assume wildly at any point in then being forced by way of wicking into the soil that lord only knows what the ph was and now is as we absorbed questionable water all the way to the top.
Any number of factors could attribute to a countless number of complications.
And that’s just with the most basic understanding of how bottled nutrients are supposed to work.
Which is why for me I’ve found the best way to feed bottles in a SIP is to allow for a dry down in between filling up the reservoirs.
Let the plants use up some of the moisture that is constant in the SIPS.
Then feed through the top of the soil only enough than you get minimal to no water in the res as runoff.
At that point or the next day fill up the reservoirs with fresh water only or water with some type of enzyme to break down any nutrients that may have made it’s way down to the res and break it down.
Trying to flush a SIP… as you’ve seen is going to take a massive amount of time once the water level is high enough it’s just not going to take anymore and water could pool on top for enough time to roll and smoke a blunt! I doubt you have that amount of time.
I would be giving nothing but water for a while let them use up any nutrients they have and hopefully break down anything that’s locking stuff up ie dried nutrient solution in the res.
When I opened up Suzanne there was a nutrient mud in the bottom that would’ve taken years to flush out completely.
I don’t know that I’ll be running SIPS again…
Not with bottles at least!
A LOS would be a far better idea to me because it allows for the breakdown of applications through the top and only fresh water allowed from beneath.
A proper mix should allow for you to not worry about ph and let them decide how and what to eat.
I’m a little biased in my thinking seeing as how I’m transitioning my garden again this time to Los beds.
For what it’s worth.
Hope this was of some help to at least get convo and ideas flowing