Asking for Grow support, what am I messing up?


420 Member
Hi, I am from Germany. Cannabis is legal since April. You're allowed to have up to 3 Plants. So I have 3 Plants. Which I am trying to grow Outdoor because the Sun is free and electricity is not.
I have been having them since 13 of July, they have been in a Vegi state since. I grow them on Plagron Light Mix, which I wanted to mix with normal pre fertilized soil that I already bought( No Name, but I attach the stats).
Current pots are 7,5 liters, I got told to get 20 Liter ones. I don't know if that's big enough. I could get bigger ones if needed.
The fertilizer I used on the lightmix is Canna Terra Vega, got the Canna Terra Bloom as well. I will order a pH Test today and I hope it will arive as soon as possible. I will deliver those results with photos when they do.
Temps currently are around 20 - 35C with mostly sunny weather conditions. They have been growing perfectly until 2 weeks ago. I used the normal amount of fertilizer, which was 10 mil on 2 Liters of Fresh Water. And then something went wrong, maybe I squeezed the bottle or something while pouring the fertilizer and overdid it. Sorry, getting ahead of myself. I water them every 2 days. Except if it wasn't as warm or it was raining.

The 3 Plants I got are: ("Resinator" 80% Sativa 20 % Indica), ("Carbon Fiber" Sativa 50%, Indica 50%), ("Granimals Sativa 30%, Indica 70 %)

This is from the first of August, where everything seemed fine. Hope the Images are good enough.


Carbon Fiber" Sativa 50%, Indica 50% This is today 12.08.24. Leafes are yellow, there were leafes that looked like they were getting rusty spots after they underwent yellow green spotiness. They had brown edges awell. I cut them but i forgot to take an Image.


Granimals Sativa 30%, Indica 70 %, this one looks a bit better, but It's still yellowing.


Resinator" 80% Sativa 20 % Indica, looks the worst of them all.

don’t water on a human dictated schedule, plants have their own timeline… right now they are not big enough to use all the water they are getting and before the soil dries out enough to suit them they get more poured on top. The problem with overwatering is lack of oxygen to the root zone. Yep sounds crazy but it’s true, we don’t think of oxygen as being a component in soils cuz there doesn’t seem to be much oxygen getting thru to soils the middle of a forest but there is… anywho for this crop and most soil types they need to see the whole spectrum from fully watered to pretty dang dry all the way to the bottom of the container…

here’s Emilya’s How to water a potted plant primer, we suggest this as first read for all new members…. hyperlinks are in green font here >>> How to water a potted plant

Right now don’t remove any leaves… even when they are ugly to us they are still useful to the plant, just let them fall off naturally…

I’m going to shout for Mr Roy Growin who I feel confident will have better info on your nutes. Hey @Roy Growin can you take a look?

Welcome to 420…!
I grow them on Plagron Light Mix,
The Plagron Light Mix is nothing but peat moss. It will be about impossible to grow those plants out to flowering and a harvest unless they are fed proper amounts of fertilizers on a frequent schedule. There is no compost or dirt in Light Mix so nothing there to feed the plant.

which I wanted to mix with normal pre fertilized soil that I already bought( No Name, but I attach the stats).
Need more info on this pre-fertilized soil with no name.
I am going to update my post tomorrow. Have done everything suggested. Bigger Pots, fresh soil. Going to take some pics in the morning before I leave for work. Hope they improve. Watering will be weight based. If pots feel light I water them, if don't i don't water them.
Might be an idea to shade the pots all the while it's so hot in the EU
In a week or so, she should start looking much better, then we can examine the plant again, looking for any signs of deficiency, soil too rich, maybe a dose of liquid seaweed etc
Don't add any bottled nutes until you see a need; just use plain water for now
Hi, followed yous instructions. Left them just chill after repotting. I didn't water them because it was raining occasionally. I did put them under my roof on my terrace, tho. They still got water from above. I haven't used fertilizer since replanting in new pots. It looks like the Sativa and Sativa/Indica Hybrid have the most trouble. But they did grow a bit and seem like growing new leafs. I left the discolored leafs on the plants as instructed.

Them Girls do look a lot better tho.





What should be my next steps ?
I have just measured the pH for all 3 of them. 3 measurements per pot, all 3 pots have a pH of 8.2–8.3.
Are you setting ph of your nutrients?
Last thing you do before you feed, set ph.
I find putting calmag in my plain water first, before nutrients helps with nutrient uptake and plant health.
If you are using decent soil it will be fine usually.
I’m not a big fan of those meters :Namaste:
They have been proven wrong and causes the grower to make unnecessary changes.
Watching the girls after you feed will tell you if they are eating.
It’s a more accurate indicator IMO. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
@Janluna @Bill284 I really wonder if that tool is accurate. I am not really trusting. I haven't done anything nutrient wise. The Soil I used for repotting is pre fertilized.

Thought i take the wait and see approach before overdoing it
I understand.
Let the soil do its thing.
My mistake :Namaste:
Calmag in your plain water is still good.
Just 2 cents.
They are improving.
That’s the main thing.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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