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Hey everyone!

I have a 2’x2’x4’ tent (.6mx.6mx1.2m) with a generic 300w full spectrum white light LED, plus some other lights to supplement. Since adding the 300w light, I’ve been having higher heat in the tent than I would like, especially considering that I live in a pretty hot part of the world.

House has a/c, but this is a tent in a closet, so not as much mixing of cool room air as I would prefer.

So, here is my thought: I’m tempted to open up my 300w LED and remove the drivers and wire them to operate outside the tent. I’ll still have heat in the tent from the bulbs, but I’m thinking the heat sink may be more efficient if it’s only having to dissipate heat from the LEDs and not also have to deal with drivers within the same case.

Good idea? Bad idea? What are the thoughts from the peanut gallery? :Namaste:

I figured out my heat issue: it was my exhaust tubing. I had the exhaust hose attached trying to vent from the tent up and out, but end of the hose had fallen and was just hanging down. Because hot air rises, i basically had a hot air “bubble” trapped and not allowing it to vent correctly. Took the hose off the vent fan and my temp in the tent dropped 10 degrees.

Sometimes it’s the easy things one overlooks. *sigh*
I figured out my heat issue: it was my exhaust tubing. I had the exhaust hose attached trying to vent from the tent up and out, but end of the hose had fallen and was just hanging down. Because hot air rises, i basically had a hot air “bubble” trapped and not allowing it to vent correctly. Took the hose off the vent fan and my temp in the tent dropped 10 degrees.

Sometimes it’s the easy things one overlooks. *sigh*

Lucky you didnt take ur led apart first!
if it in soil u might get away with not phin. but anything else then u have to... if it plant develops issues then u know first thing to check
Does anyone know if neem oil can negatively effect mycorrhizae?
I think it wont affect as Neem works anti fertility... insects produce eggcells and sperms while mycorrhizae are fungi that reproduce via spores and mycelium ... also it is worth noting that Neem oil comes from a tree .... which also benefits from Myccorrhizae
The use of neem seed oil, per se, is pretty much a western phenomenon. Neem oil is pressed primarily for HABA products, medicines (including birth control), food manufacturing, etc.

It's the neem seed meal (aka neem cake) that is used as a fertilizer and has been for several centuries. The neem seed cake is also used to make a soil drench to apply Azadirachtal to the root zone.

Neem extracts (not neem tinctures) are also sold for human and animal consumption. Neem extracts can be mixed with water an applied either as a soil soak or as a foliar application.

Most of the retail products contain Azadirachtal at 1,500 PPM. Many of the extracts are as high as 6,500 PPM so caution needs to be used when figuring out a mixing ratio.

As a fertilizer, neem cake is a very solid soil amendment. It's N-P-K is 5-1-1 and while the potassium level seems a bit low, it's the micro nutrients and trace elements that the cake/meal contains that is the important part.

To do some solid research on neem and to avoid blogs and idiotic prepositions like 'Well, we just can't be sure yet! Not just yet!' (translation: 'I'm too f*cking lazy to actually find out') - search engines like Organic ePrints and Scirus will bury a real researcher with peer-reviewed studies conducted around the world by scientists - not stoners.

Don't think that neem products are effective against PM? Fine - then show me the data that it is not effective. And don't send me to someone's blog like "" or the idiot in Vancouver, B.C. with the goofy videos either.

That's too stupid to do even for the pure entertainment value it often provides.
It's been a minutes since I've been over here but I am back! Things are going pretty good. I had a great veg with ffew problems. The ones I did have are small and either gone or just annoying me now. Speaking of which I've had some deficiencies that I've been chasing and since watering/feeding is in order today AND I am getting opposing advise (I can see why too) on my tread, I decided to seek some extra minds. I'll post pics of my leaves and dates so you can see what has been happening.

As always, a description.
700w Viparspectra
Soil-FFOF/FFHF, BlackGold(main)/perlite/vermicule/hydroton (last3 for drainage obviously)
Strains- 2xCheese Indica Dominant & 1xNYCTurboDeisel Sativa Dominant
Temps 65ºF@Night and 78-82ºF during the day
Humidity is between 40%&50%
They vegged for 4 months!!!(I high;y recommend this to all!)
Today is the 4th Monday in Flower (The lights went to 12/12 April 2, it was a Monday.)
I had some Fungus Gnats, never much, the most I saw in one day was 6. I've beenspraying Neem, SNS203, 209, 244, DE and Spinosad along with tons of ladybugs. It worked and now I spray nothing as there is nothing to spray for now. Ladybugs are still there.
Nutrients- Used to be GH Biothrive series, I had the go box which has their complete organic line in them. I ran out and switched to Advanced Nutrients
CalMag -2ml per liter
Iguana Grow- 4ml per liter
Iguana Bloom- 4ml per liter
Ancient Earth- 2ml per liter
Big Bud - 2ml per liter
Bud Candy - 2ml per liter
GH Armor Si -1ml per liter

I have been feeding a little over 1 gallon each until last time. So it is usually 56 ml of Grow and Bloom and 23 ml of everything else except for Armor Si which gets 5mls. I flushed a couple weeks ago and watered 2 times since. One of those was right after the flush so I could replace what I washed out. Things have been clearing up but I still have small deficiencies. Last time I watered I mixed up my nutes and after feeding them what usually get adequate run off, there was no run off. Quick goat thinking made me grab the plain tap water I had to get them to run off. I wonder if this was my most recent mistake. However, I believe I have gone from N def early on, to Cal, Mg, P and K over the last couple of weeks. I noticed that Greenhouse seeds flush their flowering plants 3 times during flower to keep lockout and salt away. I'll take that practice up but I still have a week or so before I flush again. SO.....have a look...

Feb 18 2018

March 8


April 20 the day I flushed

April 25- the last time I watered/fed


I was told to cut Cal Mag as last 2 times I gave 30 ml instead of 26. One person told me to give more and the other less because they can look the same. I am also going to be prepared this time with and extra gallon or 2 of nutes mixed. By the way, for any of you interested in biodynamic gardening, today is a flower day (this is what our precious plants is classified as) so you should drag a fork or something across your soil to bring benefits of the moon energy into you plant. Till in the morning if your soil is too wet and needs moisture to be "exhaled" out. Evening if you water moisture to be "breathed" in. Today is also a good day to harvest. If you ever have questions regarding the approach I follow don't hesitate to ask!

And as always, I very much appreciate your help and advise. Have a blessed day!
look up some composting tea's that fight off bugs and has high nitrogen in it. I use pine needle for they strengthen the plant cell membrane which keep it from having lack of nutrients; overall stunting growth and putting your plant into shock due to damaged stems or leaves.
I'm in the process of switching out my 600w HIDs with COBs. I'll be driving 6 Vero29 3000k (80 CRI) D with an HLG480H-C2100B driver and I have a question. Being as this driver is dimmable, will dimming also limit the input wattage draw at the wall, or will it pull the full 480 watts regardless of what I have the output dimmed to?
I'm in the process of switching out my 600w HIDs with COBs. I'll be driving 6 Vero29 3000k (80 CRI) D with an HLG480H-C2100B driver and I have a question. Being as this driver is dimmable, will dimming also limit the input wattage draw at the wall, or will it pull the full 480 watts regardless of what I have the output dimmed to?

You'll also be pulling less from the wall
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