I posted this elsewhere but was advised I should post it here:
So discouraged
Hi All, I'm a grandmom fast approaching retirement age and decided I'd try growing my own supply. I've smoked for over 40 years at first for fun and now to help with neuropathy pain from Diabetes type 2. I purchased 3 seeds, Blue dream auto, AK 49 auto and chocolope auto. I live on acreage and produce an acre garden every year, organically. What I normally use is a mix of peat moss, worm casings, dolomite lime, vermiculite and compost I make from cow manure, grass clippings and chicken poop. I used the compost sparingly. All my veggie plants thrive in it, I start them from seed indoors. While I was waiting for my seeds to come in, I germinated a few bag seeds and used the mix I was planning on using for the purchased seed. They have grown great! However, my seeds arrived and I germinated two of them, then planted two of them in my usual soil mix. They germinated fine in a paper towel and I planted them in their final pot in the mix listed above. Humidity was good, water ph was good, they came up, the blue dream had the first cotyledon leaves and two teensy tinny leaves, the ak49 looked better when it popped out of the ground but since there have been no growth, the Blue Dream is on it's last leg, it'll be dead by tomorrow. THe AK is a tiny bit better, but I fear it won't survive. It's cotyledon leaves are fading and it only has the next two leaves and that's all. I planted them on 12/25. I have the chocolope in wet paper towel now. Blue Dream Auto and Ak 49 Auto were from the same seed bank and the chocolope is from a different one. I started them under a 150 watt LED and 3 85 watt cfl, just like I did the bag seed. I'm at a lose as to what to do differently, any help would be much appreciated.
A few more facts are, lights were 24 inches away from plants. What I really don't get is why the bag seed I started under the exact same conditions flourish. I only use organics here, not a drop of pesticide or chemical fertilizers used on this land in the last 40 years. I won't be doing hydro, first, it's not in my wheelhouse of knowledge (lol by my post you would think soil isn't either) and I'm looking for a cost effective, organic way to grow, I live in the sticks and hydro supplies are not easily acquired, I can't order mail order because I live a mile down a private road and fedex and ups leave my packages with whichever neighbor also has a package that day and finding my packages is like a demented Easter egg hunt (yes, I've complained,,, it doesn't help). Both tiny seedlings are dead now, they basically came up, cotyledon and first 2 single leaves, stayed the same for two weeks, turned yellow and died. I watered just around the plants, soil mix is super light and airy. I would think I'd gotten a dud seed, except it was 2 seeds from different strains. Those two were from the same seed bank, Vision.