Here's a second one I found, I'm realizing that I've way more reading than unimagined.
This one is concerning curing processes..
If your taking about quick drying the few buds you've clipped. Then you just stick them in a paper bag for a couple days opening it up for fresh air every now and then. Taste won't be what you want it but it's smoke nonetheless.
If we're taking dull on harvest drying process, then once you've clipped them and trimmed it up. I hang them up on a string by the stems or clothespin. Ideal Humidity is 60%, anything below 50% and you'll dry too fast and get poor taste and aroma. Over 70% you're running the risk of getting mold. So if you have a way of controlling Humidity then you're golden. It should take at least 5 days to dry enough to where you can hear the "snap" of the stems when you bend it to break it. This is when you know it's time for the jars. Once in the jars, simply burp the jars everyday and enjoy the cured buds at your leisure.
Hope that helps...
Stinky Snid