Your room stats are good, more so for veg (18/6). Foliar feeding is supplementing nutes into the leaves using a spray. It is very unwise to treat problems that don't yet exist. First verify that you see something, and if unsure what, do nothing outside of your routine and research the problem. Especially in a soil grow, you have more time to become better informed, so you're good there. I would discontinue using linseed oil until I was able to verify any possible side effects.
Have you checked out 420's "
How To" section? There's a bunch of info in the "Nutrient Deficiencies & Sick Plant Symptoms" section that can help you better diagnose the most likely reason your plant is behaving the way it is. Sometimes, it's not as simple of a problem as over feeding, and there are a few other variables to consider. You being the one that is providing the light, water and general growing environment have first hand knowledge of all of these other variables. So when reading through, you can rule out some deficiencies or toxicities and gradually narrow your list down to likely candidates. Also get in the practice of using Google or other search engines. There's a lot of gardeners out there that have had and documented their problems.
When I get some spare time, I'll try to get you some viable info and try to help thin your list of possible solutions, but in the meantime, please do your diligence and continue posting questions and doing web searches for your answer(s).