Hey I have a general question about spots on my leaves . Blueberry is the strain , im about 5 weeks into flowering and aside from some yellowing of the leaves , the only problem I'm running into is these troublesome spots on my leaves which are getting terrifyingly close to my sugar leaves .. I am currently using the go box with the organic based nutrients . Using cal mag , bio bloom , bio marine , bio bud , and just used my last watering with bio root . I plan on harvesting around the end of march but any idea of what might be the problem ? I also ph test everything I water the plant with and it's between 6 and 7 every time .
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Brown spots on new growth indicate calcium defiency. If your using calmag it may indicate ph issue.
StarKiller OG - Rockwool - Ebb & Flow - 1200W LED - 2016
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