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My take on fimming, I based my grow on the pictures I found most appealing to me so I paid attention to what those growers did. When I decided to top mine I attempted to make a fim cut. Only one was sucessful but this my first time. Find a curved sharp brand new small pair of sissors in the toe nail clipper section and keep them clean like surgical instruments.

I got three top leaders out of one of em, I read in the instructions I found online four is possible.
I usually get 3 tops when fimmed
For all this I did a little math which is not my strong subject and I am drawing less juice than a 1500 watt hair dryer. I have the shortest, heaviest cord I could find and only have one very good, PROTECTED power strip plugged into it. I check my cord at the outlet frequenly I just wrap my hand around the cord, mine is a LITTLE warm, ever so slightly. If if its too warm to hot in my opinion that should be addressed right away.
Mixing spectrum is great like you did, CFL and LED combo is definitely one of my favorite

I got her in the espoma potting soil with added perlite.
Fed her slightly not to much ,Ph'd to 6.8 baby water and 2 1/2 mL of cal mag
She was root bound to the other pot. That's what was wrong with her. I gave her rooting hormone when I transplanted I just sprinkled it all in da hole and planted.
Killing the gnats off with neem oil and diatomaceous earth. I'm seeing an improvement and they seem to not be in the soil at all but still applying both.

This my blue dream strain which is doing amazing now.
What breeder for your blue dream I am running HSO
topped once and now growing into a scrog set up, I think it's my best option
They make large plastic trays meant to go under clothes washing machines. They also make small shop vacs capable of sucking up water.
They even make these saucers you can get at your local hydro shop that catch run off and that way you can measure it pH/TDS and also not get your room all wet, I ALWAYS PUT MY LADIES ON TOP OF CRATES SO THEY DONT SIT IN STANGNET WATER AND THEN OVERWATER
I need what ever sensor you have because this is the sensor that I have
and I don't think it's very accurate the ph reads 7.5 but my runoff is
yes I'm working on getting the ph up by jus watering with calmag and a ph of 6.2-6.5
Mine soil pH meter is for moisture only, I don't trust pH reading, it will always be to high but I love the moisture reading bc I run coco with clay pebbles for good draining
I foliar applied Neem to my Plants a few Weeks before, did some research on the internet before. Most gardeners, not only cannabis Gardeners, say that it is not recomennded to use Neem together with any kind of fertilizers.
Took the words right outta my mouth, when you use neem oil it's to fix something and you should stick to trying to fix the fertilize
cant see the top of the plant in tbis photo ...sorry..but its just past its 3rd node ..can i top my plant at this age ?
Your plant looks stretched your lights need to be closer, and try to add some silica to your feeding here is a blue dream topped

You maybe right this my Blue dream auto early on and later in flower


BD is good smoke hihi
Mine looked about the Same when ist comes to Bud structure. Yeah, and the smell. Thats the best about it. I Love it. It tastes even good when the Joint is Not lighted and Just in your mouth
I did that with my mars pro epistar 160. The first that came with remote controller. I programmed the entire sun scedule from sunrise to sunset. It worked superb. So it does absolutely not hurt. Just saves you some electricity. The inside of the Pro and the Pro II is identical - same parts. So you should get same effect

Morning Far Red for 1 hr 6:00am

7:00am Flip lights to full spec and 150watt 4000k LED

12:00 am - 3:00 pm Off with 4000k just Full Spec

3:00 pm - 6:00 Pm Far Red only for Sunset

Ok this is how I've got it for now we will see how it does I never do this so see if it makes some kind of difference I mean why wouldn't it do something for the plants? It can't hurt them rite?
Its a magnesium deficiency, whats your ph?

this is the water run off I know it's low I've been using a ph meter to tell the ph of what I'm feeding it because at the time I was using ph down I only had the strips. So the water I use is a 6.3-6.5 would you say that it'll come back if I keep using 6.5 ph and cal mag together ?

Hello All Trying To Figure Out What's Going On With The Left One What Should I Do Should I Leave It Be Or What , And The Right One Look Good!

The left one still has the seed shell attached preventing cotylodons to open up... try to gently remove it an that baby will catch up with her sister
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