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My girls candy cane auto s still few weeks left going to start flysh in a week or so on the one. thanks to pennywise and demonic angel from day one. Helping me out. Wouldnt have been able to grow this beautiful liokong Cola. Makes me hungry looking at it.
Is there any way to reverse a hermie. Just started showing balls tonight, 3 weeks into flower. If it's stress related will it stop changing if conditions get better?
Id just keep a good eye on it and pluck any nanners that pop up. They're sneaky though.
No nanners, they were straight up pollen sacs forming on the stems of a couple branches. Still a long time to babysit her. I'm going to stop all defoliation, stop nutes for a week or 2. Just untied all her branches
Thought I would share this, what is it? These should be nice and green and healthy. I would just post it and wait to see what if any responces I get, test the ph, your nutes are in jail, did you wash your dirt? Well I know what it is, I did it. Drumroll please, its sunburn. I have seen at least a dozen pics on here with at least that many diagnoses. I had to think back through everything that was happening three or four days before I spotted changes, I left them in the sun too long. Growin inside from now on.
hi guys. week 4 of my girls, and i started scroging two days ago but today i noticed that two leaves from two different plants (one in each), is cutted like something ate it or was it just me who did that accidentally while i was trying to place it under the screen? i dont know..
and one other leaf has a tiny hole on it.. i attached photos, what could it be? SOS

i did.. nothing is there, at least nothing i can see and i watched very carefully.. should i do anything with those cutted leaves? or should ijust wait n see what happens?
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