Asesino's Multi-Strain - Coco - LED - Grow 2

Looking great man

Thanks SG! I'm hoping the ScrOG net pays off in the end.

Looking great in Here asesino! Can't wait to see big beautiful buds coming out the net! :thumb:

Hoping to keep them pretty low and even!

everything looks awesome, cant wait for the smoke report on that mammoth. She looks lovely

I checked the trichs today and all over the bubbles are clear. This has got maybe two weeks left or a little less and then a couple weeks to cure at minimum so maybe a month out on that but it has far surpassed my expectations. If only I could share the smell.

I got some racks and adjusted some things in both tents. I put some of the equipment from that grow table to use as well! Gonna be a fun update. These next couple weeks should be interesting, hopefully in a good way.
Day 17 Flower - Most of this update will focus on my equipment upgrade and not too much on my plants! I am so excited though. This single upgrade makes life for me so much easier for me and anyone who helps me when I am out of town. It was pretty time consuming to have to suck up the water from saucers every day. Eventually I will get a pump system going but until then, this upgrade was luckily fairly cheap for me.

With a drain to waste system I've had to be creative to get the plants not sitting in runoff water. I got lucky and I have those plastic stands from work I used but each one needed a saucer under it. I began trying to figure out a way to have it all runoff into one. Because they have to sit on stands I would need a huge piece of plastic or flood table. Wow flood tables are expensive! So I thought to make basically a runoff catcher out of a pallet wrap (huge plastic bag to wrap full pallets when its wet in trucking, cut in half to make sheets instead of bags). It's sturdy and I can funnel it into one single saucer. I needed some sort of higher stand without legs in the middle for this to work though. Bingo! Wire shelves would allow runoff great and still provide solid support.

I bought the shortest poles for this as I still want it to be as low as it can be and put it together. They are like 18" tall max which is perfect. This restaurant supply place was awesome. I can adjust them so as certain plants are taller they can be put on the lower rack and have things be even in terms of light.

I only have one light in my veg tent so it can't get the whole 4'x4' space. If you think about trying to fit a bunch of 15" round saucers in a 3'x4' area there ends up being a ton of unused space. This solves that problem. Before I had to rotate the plants to water them because not all of them could sit in a saucer and get the right light.

This now makes feeding and water so easy for me and was well worth the $100. Also it pays to know people like my friend so now I have two flood trays for free essentially. Just had to plug a drain hole in one to make it work. If you can't tell I am so happy.

Flower Tent

Veg Tent

During the upgrade the veg tent was easy but the flower tent was not at all. Since everything was trained on the net any sudden movement could be so tough. A friend and I had to grab two plants on a side on lift them up together and hold them against the net. While doing that we had to move the current setup out and the new racks in. With limited space (my area is not very big to keep the heat stable) we were able to keep basically the Chemdawg and White Rhino on the net. The Purple Trainwreck was too short so it needed to be redone anyways. I had to find a little stand for it since it was the one that was propped up. The Ayahuasca coming out of the net was disappointing but after some re-training it's back to normal and nothing got damaged on any plants during the process.

I now don't think I will fill my net. The White Rhino I think is getting close to being done stretching and the others are starting to have bud sights. Usually stretch slows way down. The Chemdawg and Ayahuasca Purple have slowed a bit so a couple more days of stretch for them and the Purple Trainwreck seems to have a bunch of fresh green. Same deal though, its just so compact and isn't going to stretch much further. So I think I will fill out basically a 19x19 square instead of 20x20. I was a little worried about overcrowding so it's probably a blessing that it doesn't seem like it will fill out 100%. I'm still stoked out how it looks. The budsights are just barely above the net and that is what I wanted to keep everything low. Yesterday I cleaned up a lot of the low stuff that I know now won't make it so it focus' the last push on the middle part of the plant to get it even.


I checked the trichs on the Blue Mammoth auto today. It is day 76 for her and everything is 100% clear still. Not a single cloudy mushroom in the whole plant. This is starting to look like a Christmas harvest date for her. What a fun Christmas present to myself. She just gets prettier and more curvy everyday. She smells great, looks great and it's just hard to not stare at as you walk by. Still don't know how much thicker she will get but the bottom shoots are turning into full colas and I like it.


Sorry this was so long. It's been a while since I have really been this excited. The last couple days I watered and then today it took me two minutes to suck up the whole drainage of the last couple days. My humidty was great (it actually helped keep the humidity higher in my veg tent) and I think I can wait every couple days to cleanup. Normally a daily cleanup would take me 30 minutes and I had to do it daily or it would overflow. Also not to mention the added risk of moving the vacuum around and knocking something over. Remember I'm a business guy, time is money. This will pay for itself in time saved quickly. Win-win.
I love that drain to waste system you have set up! You're totally right, using the shop vac every time to suck water out of the trays is annoying as all get out. I need to eventually come up with something like this for my girls.

As always, your plants are looking amazing as well! Nice and healthy, can't wait to see some healthy buds!!

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I love that drain to waste system you have set up! You're totally right, using the shop vac every time to suck water out of the trays is annoying as all get out. I need to eventually come up with something like this for my girls.

As always, your plants are looking amazing as well! Nice and healthy, can't wait to see some healthy buds!!

Thanks CK! I've had a hell of a week so far. It's been chaos so it's really nice that I come home and don't have to spend so much time there. Already helping make a tough week easier, instant satisfaction. Luckily I can afford to do these kinds of upgrades.
Thanks CK! I've had a hell of a week so far. It's been chaos so it's really nice that I don't come home and have to spend so much time there. Already helping make a tough week easier, instant satisfaction. Luckily I can afford to do these kinds of upgrades.

Anything that can help you skip a few steps is always good! Sorry to hear about the rough week, at least you get to come home to beautiful girls everyday. I swear all I have to do is walk into my garden and it's a instant mood changer. Always amazing vibes coming off these beautiful ladies

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Hey buddy Iv been looking at that dehumidifier what you think of it? :)

Hey Riley! It does ok. I can tell by the water in it that it's working alright but if you need to drop the humidity fast then this one is too small. With that being said I've found that humidity isn't as huge of a deal with growing as I once thought, unless it's way out of control.

I was crazy about it last grow and this grow I don't even really care. I just make sure to have good air movement as I feel that is way more important. I don't think my dehumidifier is even plugged in this grow and it's middle of winter :)

Final verdict is that it is more of a supplemental dehumidifier than an actual dehumidifier. If you have RH issues sometimes it's easier to solve them other than running a dehumidifier. I walled off the room my tents are in with sheets and it is now half a room. It's kept my temperatures and humidity perfect. I just adjust the heat vent to allow more or less air depending on the weather. Maybe something to look at!
Thanks you every much, am not really sure if I have a RH problem really it's always 60min 80max.

Your plants and set up is great been watching since day one .. the updates really do help us newbies .

RM's First Grow - Unknown Seeds

Of course, and I am happy to help. In flower it doesn't hurt to try and get to the 45-65 range to help prevent from molds and bud rot. I've seen many grows where with adequate air movement the plants had no problems and were in higher ranges than yours.

Maybe a small supplemental dehumidifier would work for you. I just would have liked mine to be bigger. I didn't realize It was going to be a small one. Apparently missed the words "mini" when I got it. Lol!

Thanks for the kind words about my set up and journal.
Day 20 Flower - I got a little more stretching out of the plants so I spread them out a little more on the net. You can see the budding happening now on the White Rhino. Everything else is a routine and I still am doing a little defoliation each day to keep light getting to everything. I cleared out a bunch of stuff in the middle of all the plants that I know would not get to the canopy. No sense in wasting energy at this point.


The Blue Mammoth Auto still has 100% clear trichs. I feel like the lower stuff just keep booming and I see new white hairs every day. It is day 79. Wonder how long this will actually go!


I'm going to keep this short since the last update was so long but the setup is working as planned and it is making things so much faster and easier. I've got a good rhythm now and this should be routine from now on.
Day 20 Flower - I got a little more stretching out of the plants so I spread them out a little more on the net. You can see the budding happening now on the White Rhino. Everything else is a routine and I still am doing a little defoliation each day to keep light getting to everything. I cleared out a bunch of stuff in the middle of all the plants that I know would not get to the canopy. No sense in wasting energy at this point.


The Blue Mammoth Auto still has 100% clear trichs. I feel like the lower stuff just keep booming and I see new white hairs every day. It is day 79. Wonder how long this will actually go!


I'm going to keep this short since the last update was so long but the setup is working as planned and it is making things so much faster and easier. I've got a good rhythm now and this should be routine from now on.
Of course, and I am happy to help. In flower it doesn't hurt to try and get to the 45-65 range to help prevent from molds and bud rot. I've seen many grows where with adequate air movement the plants had no problems and were in higher ranges than yours.

Maybe a small supplemental dehumidifier would work for you. I just would have liked mine to be bigger. I didn't realize It was going to be a small one. Apparently missed the words "mini" when I got it. Lol!

Thanks for the kind words about my set up and journal.

Really shocked how expensive they was :( I think your right but I'll probs wait for a second hand one to pop up. Only me and the fine 420 people see it

Keep growing :) .

RM's First Grow - Unknown Seeds
Really shocked how expensive they was :( I think your right but I'll probs wait for a second hand one to pop up. Only me and the fine 420 people see it

Keep growing :) .

Yeah that is a good idea honestly. I never thought to look on craigslist or something. I think I went with this one because it was an ok price and the others were pretty spendy. Then when I got it and it was a mini I realized why it seemed like a decent price .

I don't make too many mistakes like that and it has helped at certain times but at least it wasn't on a piece of equipment that was essential.
Haven't checked in for some days, my oh my have they grown and the buds on the auto are really getting fat and juice. Sweet sweet job :passitleft:

Thanks PGR! This auto has really been a treat. The smell is unreal. I've got some other auto seeds now because i've enjoyed this so much but I've got to work them into my cycle later on. I'm running out of space and I haven't planted a new seed for quite a while. All my freebie ones show signs of preflower female and all of my clones have worked out which I didn't expect. Can't wait to start another auto and train it early as I just topped this and let it grow.
Day 23 Flower - The plants stretched a bit more but not a ton. If I get a little more stretch then I will be happy, I would like them to stick up above the net just a bit more. I definitely wanted them to stay lower and they are pretty even so maybe it doesn't matter too much. Everything else is the same. Starting to look like a canopy now.


The White Rhino seems to be a few days ahead of the others and the Purple Trainwreck feels like it's a week behind. Lots of budsights on this girl! Need the middle to keep filling in but it slowly is happening.


The Veg Tent

I will be pretty excited when this Blue Mammoth is done and out of my veg tent. It is kind of in the way now but it will be done soon. The three freebies, which are all showing pre flower signs of female, will be large when my flower tent will be ready for grow #3 (in about 7 weeks). After that I can just focus on the clones for grow #4. I defoliate the freebies hard and they always respond well. I have to to keep them shorter or they'd get really tall. I have also supercropped a couple times on each plant to spread them out and keep them level and short.


Lastly the Blue Mammoth Auto is still 100% clear trichs. The stems are starting to show a little cloudy but the heads of the trichs are all clear. This is day 82. I'm guessing about 10 days left.

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