Asesino's Multi-Strain - Coco - LED - Grow 2

Your plants are looking good brother. Can't wait to see them flower out. I need some flowers in my life. LOL!
Your plants are looking good brother. Can't wait to see them flower out. I need some flowers in my life. LOL!

OMG it's you Blaze! So glad to see you back for a check in. I had just said a few days ago that you need to come back and all will be right in the world again.. lol! I can't wait either man. Feels like l am doing a good job though. Hope fatherhood is treating you well!
Yeah the plants have definitely hit there stride. The extra veg time will reward you my friend. I have had fun expirimenting with training and defoliation this go round, its almost like the plants build up a tolerance for it. Looking good.
Yeah the plants have definitely hit there stride. The extra veg time will reward you my friend. I have had fun expirimenting with training and defoliation this go round, its almost like the plants build up a tolerance for it. Looking good.

The Blue Mammoth Auto is really fun to watch right now. I only topped it and I am just letting it grow. Measured in at 16" this morning. Don't know why I hadn't measured it before this. So crazy to see little white hairs everywhere on it already.

The three big girls in the main tent are pulling the some of the stakes out just hours after I set them, they are strong. I keep thinking I'm just going to let everything start growing vertical soon but likely I'll just try to keep them tied down until they get to the edge of the pot. Shouldn't take too much longer!
Looking good a lot more training this time around I see!!

I was very hesitant last time. This time it's full force ahead. I figure if it doesn't work out then I know the plants limits but so far they just keep responding. It's taken a lot more time but it's time I have so no big deal! Let's hope there is a good reward at the end of this path ;)
Day 46 - Yesterday I did the most training I probably will do at one time. From here on out things get to grow unless a leaf is blocking light from getting lower. I know the middle of the plant will regrow pretty quick so I trimmed it the thinnest. I was careful when trimming so I didn't make any mistakes. I made sure there was just a little plant growing out each node before trimming. This should still allow little tops to grow and should be quite a few to start with before ScrOGing. Pictures are pretty neat to see the training in full force.

Blue Mammoth Auto - Just some bending of branches so lights gets to inner growth



White Rhino - This is the most symmetrical plant and the inner part grows like crazy



Chemdawg - Also some insane growth going on here



Purple Trainwreck - Slowly but surely coming along

Ayahuasca Purple - Still the widest
Thanks for the warm welcome back man. I will have to live vicariously through you guys for a while. It's good to see you progressing so well.

Fatherhood is nothing short of awesome!
Thanks for the warm welcome back man. I will have to live vicariously through you guys for a while. It's good to see you progressing so well.

Fatherhood is nothing short of awesome!

Of course! You are more than welcome to live vicariously through my grow. After all you are pretty much the reason I switched to Coco. I feel like my learning curve was pretty fast.

I'm glad you have a little human seedling to take care of. It'll hold you over and grows really fast as well!

Stop by anytime Jedi Master Blaze. Your apprentice is on the path to a Jedi as well ;)
You are too kind bud. ;)

I'm chafing to get started again. Feels like everything I've learnt over the last few years is slowly slipping away. I'm determined though... so it will happen.

Looking forward to your next update. :thumb:
Day 49 - Yesterday I decided that it was time to let the girls grow vertical a bit now. I won't be able to water under the net unless they gain some height. I realized that waiting until they got to the very edge of the pot would probably add a couple more weeks into my veg stage and I don't want to go for too long. I am pretty happy how after two days now of being free that they are keeping their structure pretty well. I will likely lightly LST them now but the hard training is over. All of the nodes are getting light so as of now I am going to let them grow until things start getting blocked, then LST as needed.

The Girls

Purple Trainwreck - I am more pleased than I thought I would be with her. She is still maybe 1/2 the size of the other plants but she does have a good structure and maybe that will help in the next couple weeks. I did not top the four inner nodes like I did with the other three. I didn't want any more stress causing her to go any slower.

ChemDawg - The Chemdawg is solid. It looks like a slightly smaller version than my Ayahuasca Purple. I consider my Ayahuasca to be a monster because it grew so fast so if the Chemdawg is just behind it than that is a win.

Ayahuasca Purple - This plant is incredible. That is all I can really say. This plant is setup the best to be a little monster. I cannot wait to see this thing during the first few weeks of flowering. It's going to stretch like crazy. The pictures are at different distances away, but she really is a couple inches wider than all the rest.

White Rhino - The wildcard of the bunch is this White Rhino. When parts of this start growing vertical then they explode. It's the same size as the Chemdawg. At the rate she has been growing lately it will be interesting to see if she challenges the Ayahuasca Purple in the long run.

This picture of the White Rhino shows a little bit more of how I have trained this thing so far. I think it's kind of a Mainlining and Four Way LST combo. I've been calling it Quad-lining. One node on the inside is a little slower than the rest or else this girl would be symmetrical.

My Method
1.Topped at the 4th node and then tied down all four branches horizontally.
2.Heavily defoiled the whole way promoting the plant to use its energy on branches/roots
3.Removed everything from second nodes
4.On top branches, tied down the first node horizontally. This creates 8 horizontal branches. 6 coming from the top 2 branches and the 2 main ones on the bottom.
5.Allow the first node of the bottom branches to grow through vertically. By clipping all the 2nd node stuff and not allowing it to grow the light from these wont block those like it normally would. Just not wasting my time with trying to get them light. The middle always gets thick.
6. Topped the 4 branches growing vertical when they get to the height of the total plant. Allowing the plant to give one a push to other areas and not allow the middle to go too high.
7. Defol as needed. I made sure any leaves that would be blocking light to new nodes was tucked or clipped. That came a lot of the time to taking off the leaves at the ends of the four main branches. I did way more defoliating this grow than last time. Kind of following the way people do when mainlining.
8. LST as needed the rest of the way and make sure plant gets a good week or more of just growing without anything but a little LST here and there.

I will likely use the same technique next time but without the ScrOG net. I do think that it would be a great structure to let the plant grow on its own without a net. That will mean I won't let them grow vertical at this point like I am doing now. I do really like how they turned out though. Nice thick 4 branches to support the plant evenly on all of them.

Blue Mammoth Auto - Made my first stupid mistake today. I was measuring the height and dropped the tape measure. It pretty much sheered off one of the lower branches. I hate when I make stupid mistakes at anything and this was really bad timing in this girls life. She is stretching at 3/4" per day and this is going to add stress. Plus I wanted to just grow an Auto without any problems. Oh well! Hopefully it ends up being alright. Just frustrated at myself. She was looking so great too :rollingeyes:
Everything seems like it's going great in here besides the one little situation with the branch on the Blue Mammoth Auto.

Plants are looking very healthy and lush either way so great job on those!!

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I have a clone that has 3 fan leaves per node coming out of it. Also I discovered that one of my branches on one of my freebies is doing the same thing. I feel like it shouldn't make a difference and they both look healthy. I'll be interested to see if this new node coming out does it again. Does anyone know if it's more likely to be male or something due to this mutation or is it just rare? In all the journals I've read and followed I don't think I've come across this.

Day 52 - Just letting these things grow. The Blue Mammoth is stretching every day and the tape measure accident from last post seems to not be effecting it much. I'm interested to see how long until it stops stretching.

The other girls are filling in nicely. All of them look pretty good to me. I lightly tied down a couple branches to keep things even. I think all of these girls will grow like crazy in stretch mode. They won't be ready in eight weeks so likely nine or ten. I go on vacation in early January and this works out better anyways. The White Rhino just looks awesome. One of the four branches in the middle was stunted too much and got way behind so it got cut off, otherwise it is pretty symmetrical. I will likely defol all of the girls in the morning.
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