Are these flowers ready to flush?

First successful (so far) grow. 2 purple kush in 5 gallon smart pots in coco coir. 300w viparspectra LED's. I'm beginning week 9 of flower, 17-18 from seed. Was thinking one plant is ready for a weeklong flush, then harvest. Thinking the other will need a few more days of nutes. I'll post pics of the one I think is ready, then the one that needs some more time. Opinions are greatly appreciated, this is my first run!

Ones I believe are ready for a week long flush, then harvest:

One that needs a few days:

Agree or disagree? Let me know!
Check your trichs for an indication,or view "harvest by trichome colour
Flower week 10 day 3, trichs are milky, thinking of harvesting tomorrow or in a few days

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