Are these 37 day old plants looking healthy?


Active Member
look at the leaves,, three blades on the leaves,, not a good sign,, usually a sign of a reveg in progress,, for whatever reason,,

a lighting time issue perhaps

anyway,, there is a reason those leaves are growing that way

karma sent friend

and, yes,, they are spindly as well
look at the leaves,, three blades on the leaves,, not a good sign,, usually a sign of a reveg in progress,, for whatever reason,,

a lighting time issue perhaps

anyway,, there is a reason those leaves are growing that way

karma sent friend

and, yes,, they are spindly as well

damn shouldn’t have got baked this morning didn’t even notice the three leaves just looked at the color
look at the leaves,, three blades on the leaves,, not a good sign,, usually a sign of a reveg in progress,, for whatever reason,,

a lighting time issue perhaps

anyway,, there is a reason those leaves are growing that way

karma sent friend

and, yes,, they are spindly as well
Oh what's the deal with the 3 leaves? Please be really really new. This is my second grow..
a photoperiod plant, which is a plant that is 'not an auto', just a regular plant,, goes thru a vegetative state light time 18hrs light and06hrs dark,or similar, or versy vicey,, haha , then when one wants the plant to flower, make buds, it goes into a different light cycle,, 12on, 12off, or similar,, this plant looks like it is trying to revert back to the vegetative state

could be other reasons i spose,, none i know of tho
a photoperiod plant, which is a plant that is 'not an auto', just a regular plant,, goes thru a vegetative state light time 12hrs light and12hrs dark,or similar, , then when one wants the plant to flower, make buds, it goes into a different light cycle,, 18on, 6 off, or similar,, this plant looks like it is trying to revert back to the vegetative state

could be other reasons i spose,, none i know of tho
I may be completely wrong and totally confused. I knew I came to the right place. The plants are 37 days old from seed so they are in veg stage with an 18 on 6 off cycle. 😳 Am I doing it wrong? I thought they do that in veg until I flip to a 12/12 which is then the flower stage
you are all good friend,, just what's required

but the plant is indeed showing reveg symptoms
I may be completely wrong and totally confused. I knew I came to the right place. The plants are 37 days old from seed so they are in veg stage with an 18 on 6 off cycle. 😳 Am I doing it wrong? I thought they do that in veg until I flip to a 12/12 which is then the flower stage
could just be the strain ,18/6 is the right light cycle for veg
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