Arctic Bowl's 1st Ever Attempt At A Grow Journal

I can't find your cover photo in the journal and this upsets me

Bwahahaha! My pic made Arctic's cover! Sorry, Rooster, but I deleted it before a Mod smacked my knuckles with a ruler. I'll pm it to you.
Lol you guys are crazy :rofl:

Got the pics to up load so I’ll get those up........not sure what I wasn’t doing correctly but for sure something. Hey Duggs, see, lowered the branch, just couldn’t show you the other day, ffs, technology Lol.


Oh, and fired off the 550 quad just to make sure there’s enough light :rofl:


And got a few beans in some HB 1st run soil so they better look like yours Duggs!!! :rofl: in my dreams but hey, we gotta have goals :rofl:


And some random pics of the GR and a few Buds, things are moving along pretty good all in all, now to wait for the Xmas harvest of Malawi lmfao, well maybe New Years for us, we’re a bit behind Penny and Sue so we can get a smoke report from them :-0

Got a bit of the crud I think, not feeling so great today so easy nite tonight an try and kick this crap.

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Bwahahaha! My pic made Arctic's cover! Sorry, Rooster, but I deleted it before a Mod smacked my knuckles with a ruler. I'll pm it to you.

Idk if the mod fathers disapproved because it sure made the cover! I have a really funny one for you guys but don't think it will stay up very long.... I wanted to PM it to you but can't figure out how...
Was that you rider? Lol you da bomb. Adopt me? Currently I'm penny's step son. Lol idk if he would even put up a fight for me though :-(

Ha! Everyone's always after me hens!
Evening to you :-)
Got a lil update on the new seeds that went into some 1st run HB soil, 3 of 4 Bluniverse are peeking there lil heads out now, still waiting on the Grape Krush to go into soil........maybe in the morning I’ll get them in there new homes as well. The Huckleberry cross hasn’t popped up yet but I’m keeping my fingers crossed they will do there thing. Think boy power this time Dabs.......hope we get 1 or 2, that would be pretty awesome.

Well let’s welcome the three Bluniverse to our universe:rofl:


Now let’s see what your all about, veg room is officially open for business.......even though they are only seedlings:-)

Blessed Buds our friends and be well:passitleft:
I’ve looked at Huckleberry Soda but haven’t pulled the trigger yet.

I have been looking at that strain for months. They have 6 or 7 strains I really want to try over there! Was kind of hoping the bitcoin would start to rebound a little so I can grab some, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I know I should have gotten them when it was up over 16k.
Damn bitcoin crash! Some how bitcoin cash jumped over 20% today .. Still a ways to go back to my buy in price but I have high hopes for bitcoin cash .
Well I am glad I made those expensive purchases of Exotic Genetics before it crashed LOL. I spent 600 bucks worth of bitcoin on them. After looking at the prices now....if I didn't spend it then I wouldn't have much more than I currently do and I wouldn't have those 4 boxes of seeds!! Hated spending that much on beans but glad I did it when I did....right before the bitcoin prices plunged.
I was so impressed with Labyrinth that I just picked up a pack of Black Mamba. Mint Chocolate Chip x The Cube

Ah nice!! I have been looking at that for a while!! Looks tasty as hell.
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