Anyone ever had seeds that Germinated but

for fun go have a look at the runes.
Whenever I come across the word "runes" the line in the song pops into mind....

“Dana Andrews said prunes gave him the runes, and passing them used lots of skills…”. :).

Another movie that should be watched while hitting on a joint;).
I've had them start to root and then just stop doing anything. Just like gave up after opening. Super Lemon Haze grew into a sprout an wrinkled up n died after 3 days. Dunno what happened.
That happening does get brought up in the article mentioned earlier, the one about Damping Off disease.

Damping Off can hit the stem at the soil surface level or slightly above. Since it is a disease that is related to root rot it can infect the root system and cause it to die which means the plant stops growing and dies even though the stem and cotyledons looked OK.

It can also infect the plant before the seedling is big enough to break through the surface. That can explain some of the situations where seeds that look healthy just never seem to sprout. They did germinate but did not last long enough to push through the surface.
your rh is ok for veg bit it is right in the middle of mold making territory come flower.
When I ran only one humidifier my RH was 59% and VPD was 1.24 to 1.3 I am hoping without the humidifier I can be in the 1.4 to 1.5 VPD and humidity of 55 to 58%. Prior to use with my set up and no humidifier that is where it was running. My home is always about 48 to 52% so I am fairly dry.
When I ran only one humidifier my RH was 59% and VPD was 1.24 to 1.3 I am hoping without the humidifier I can be in the 1.4 to 1.5 VPD and humidity of 55 to 58%. Prior to use with my set up and no humidifier that is where it was running. My home is always about 48 to 52% so I am fairly dry.

i got mold this yr at 35%. there's more than one factor. vpd doesn't help you avoid it.
That happening does get brought up in the article mentioned earlier, the one about Damping Off disease.

Damping Off can hit the stem at the soil surface level or slightly above. Since it is a disease that is related to root rot it can infect the root system and cause it to die which means the plant stops growing and dies even though the stem and cotyledons looked OK.

It can also infect the plant before the seedling is big enough to break through the surface. That can explain some of the situations where seeds that look healthy just never seem to sprout. They did germinate but did not last long enough to push through the surface.
That sucks. Thanks for the input. I was wondering cuz it looked good and then up n died. An it did shrivel right at the little green neck. I'll just toss that soil cup out too. It's probably tainted. No "bobs leg" contaminating the baby box.
Worm castings can help you avoid damping off. I put a light surface layer and mist it in. The microbes in the castings take care of the problem for you. Also, a slight breeze blowing across the surface helps dry out the top layer of soil and that too can counter the fungus.

I use domes until the seedling breaks the surface and then remove it.

If you leave the dome on, even if the seedling survives under it, it will be weak and grow poorly because of the high humidity, and then you have to harden it off. It's much easier to have the seedling grow on its own from the start.
Watch any video by many growers starting off with seed, they all cover with a dome or baggie anything that keeps the air moist as they emerge from soil, peat pods or other material.
As long as you’re taking the baggie off every few hours or 3-4 times a day it should be fine. I use solo cups with a smaller clear cup that sits on top for my dome. I always cover my seedlings until they are up for a few days. Then I just spray them a few times a day. Happy growing
Personally I use a dome and a warming pad all the time .
Soak my seeds overnight
Put them in , couple days there up. Few more days and roots through the cube and into pots and or pebbles
I also use oasis cubes so that my medium doesn’t have a chance for chit.

If you have damping off I would be more inclined to say your soil , equipment and even bugs are bringing your pathogen in.

Enjoy and good luck with your seeds.
Same here.
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