Thank You Magoo. That is the type of explanation that I Love, The why we do things and how things work. If you understand why something happens you become a better grower and have more tools in your tool box. I wondered about why we don't angle the tips downward when quadlining. I had heard about not having the tips angled downward but I didn't know why but now I do. Thanks againNo you want the tip higher than the rest of the branch. The plant is gonna send auxin to the shoots and to the end of the branches and to the root tips. Auxin controls almost every aspect of plant growth. They promote cell division in the ends of the branches. Light effects auxin development by causing inbalance in its production. The hormones will be more prominent on the dark side of the branch. This causes more cell division on the dark side of the branch. So when the bottom (dark) side of the branch is longer than the top side (because of increased cell division on the bottom), the branch curves towards the light. Gravity also plays a role in auxin production. When we train our plants we use these to our benefit. But if the end of the branch is too low the plant will start sending the majority of its auxin to the shoots. This has happened to me when my main branches looked wavy (up and down). The plant became confused and the middle shoots shot straight up and the growth at the end of the main branches slowed way down. When you find a good balance you get strong growth at the end of the branch and in the shoots.
this is something I’m always trying to learn more about. Auxin manipulation is why everything we do training wise works the way it does. Auxin is focused in the apex of the plant. The high concentration of auxin in the apex of an untopped plant causes increased production of other hormones in the side branches that actually inhibit growth. When we top we remove the apical dominance and thus remove the inhibiting factors slowing the growth of the rest of the plant. So then the side branches start to flourish. Wounds effect auxin production which is why pinching a branch or supercropping work the way they do. And why quadlining works the way it does. Control the angle of the main branches in a way that continues to promote growth at the tip. Control the canopy height to allow for even distribution of light to all the tops you will have.
Hopefully this is helpful!