Another Brix In The Wall Part 2: Hawk Clones Under Max Yield!

Please don't listen to this advise! You do not want condensation on your windows, it will ruin them! I deal with this question on a daily basis in the winter. The colder it gets outside, the lower the humidity setting needs to be. If you are seeing any condensation on the windows, your setting is too high. The ability to raise the humidity is dependent on your vapor barrier. If you are living in your new house, you may not need a humidifier for a couple years due to all the moisture in the fresh wood used to build your house. This makes running a humidifier for the grow room a challenge. You do run the risk of getting condensation on your windows. Just keep an eye out and adjust the setting as needed.

Thanks Neiko! Glad I mentioned that and will turn it down. I've been meaning to check the rh in the house. My grow is not in the house but is in the "shed" which is basically a tiny house with no plumbing. Insulated, dry wall, wood floor. I did take some of the extra rigid insulation from my house build and made inserts for a few of the shed Windows with dark colored fabric on outside to look like drapes. Less heat loss and privacy.

Good Morning Ween & Friends :nomo:

The Aircaire unit does use a lot of water. I just use tap water in it as it is evaporative so no sediment except on the filter after many gallons. But I don’t change it much only once a year. Filter is $25ish at Lowe’s.

Neiko is right and condensation on the windows inside is NOT good. Most homes have wood window sills and these are only painted with a thin layer of crap paint. Hardly water and mould resistant. My house is built in 2002 and the windows are original so the seals on the panels are done. We need new ones. For that reason I don’t care so much about them. I will replace them in a couple years when I get the 15k needed. I doubt the water in wood though in a new home is enough for our plants in anything but flower. My house drops to 20% to 30% RH ambient and winter is not even fully here yet. I’ve seen sub 20% RH during the really cold snaps.

I do have slight drafts that I can feel with my hands on very windy days. Our solution is just to turn the dang furnace up 2/3 degrees during colder weeks. As soon as temps go back up outside we drop back to like 74f. Sucks but it works.

I’m going to be looking for some of those films u can use a hairdryer to shrink into the window seams. This may help us and I’d like to protect the window sills as much as we can until replacement.

A sealed grow room solves this problem. Or a 3-4 zone central air home.

until then with tents and shoddy windows I’ll have to live with the sweaty windows. If I lower the Huey to turn on less. The tents RH will drop to 40% and still I believe the windows would show moisture. So for the plants to be happy I need the Huey’s on or inside the tents which cause other problems.

One idea I thought of ... was to use a smaller room. Pack it with the 3 tents. And the Huey and seal off that room from the rest of the house. A lot of work for a band aid fix tho.

Or I could deploy more of the smaller Huey’s I have. One unit to each tent. And help boost RH that way. The annoying part to this is 3 small units to refill daily. 2 of which I use RO with as they vaporize the water into warm mist. So create all kinds of calcium build ups etc.

Another thought is to make a custom shroud for the Aircaire. That funnels the humid air into the 5x5 tent. Basically ramming that air in... I could use extra 6-8inch duct for this. And make a funnel type piece that would sit on top the Aircaire unit and attach to the ducting. The unit would have to sit just on the outside of the tent. And the humidistat probe would need to be “snuck” into the tent through a port to monitor the RH and kick on as needed.

Sorry for the rambling Ween just brainstorming the RH war to come this winter. Controlling RH is super annoying and a must to keep plants happy especially during the clone / seedling / veg stages.

I can’t wait to flower all my plants out and be OK with 40-45% RH.

Cheers Gang. Hope everyone has a good day:circle-of-love:
Oh also the ideal RH for inside for us humans is like 35%. Any more and it’s overkill plus the windows get wet. Try and dial the home furnace Huey to around 35. We also use covers for our central air registers on the floors in front windows to help keep the humid and warm air from hitting the cold windows straight on. It helps even if it’s just a little.

If ur grow space is in a shed Ween maybe u can find a way to setup a Huey like the Aircaire in there between the shed wall and the tent ?
If ur grow space is in a shed Ween maybe u can find a way to setup a Huey like the Aircaire in there between the shed wall and the tent ?

Yes, will give this some thought, maybe with the ink bird (or fancier controller, open to suggestions!) To control the units huey AND we huey to prevent rh spikes.
Don't be sorry! I appreciate runner ideas! Is the probe on the aircare long enough too get on the tent? You could asparagus use an ink bird rh controller.....?

:ganjamon: Must be my Canadian upbringing were always apologizing when we shouldn’t be ... the cord is approx 5-6ft and I believe it’s long enough to get in the tent if the unit is right up beside it. I’d say the probe is only 1.5-2 ft off the actual unit then the cord continues 4ft to the outlet. The ink bird RH controller would work to resolve this placement issue.
Little late to the party but im in.
I see alot of RH talk. Always fun come winter time.

Does anyone use a single controller that you can plug everything into. That will balance everything with one temp probe and one humidity probe?

Biggest problem with inkbird stuff. Is the " range " or " differential" settings. And no. Day/night set points
Im sure there is a " smarter " option out there somewhere.
Hey Captain! Thanks for stopping in and welcome! I agree with you about theink birds limitations! I might get an all in one controller....? You can get them for as little as a few hundred up to much more. I think I'll go for the low end but not sure. I'm open to suggestions!

Hey Captain! Thanks for stopping in and welcome! I agree with you about theink birds limitations! I might get an all in one controller....? You can get them for as little as a few hundred up to much more. I think I'll go for the low end but not sure. I'm open to suggestions!

Let me know what ya come up with.. il be looking to replace my controllers as soon as something good comes along
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