Another BCNL Bloombox Journal 2013/2014


Looks like you have water in bottom of tray, I have never had that, I just keep cube moist ,as soon as roots show and by this time should have a couple leaves,I transplant into bigger rockwool cube , keep moist , then I turn on cfl , and don't let cube dry out, after a day or so I remove top of dome... just my humble opinion ... good luck !!!!!
Looks like you have water in bottom of tray, I have never had that, I just keep cube moist ,as soon as roots show and by this time should have a couple leaves,I transplant into bigger rockwool cube , keep moist , then I turn on cfl , and don't let cube dry out, after a day or so I remove top of dome... just my humble opinion ... good luck !!!!!

Agreed, I was reading some more and heard said shouldnt have standing water under the cubes so I've already drained and put down a loose bed under the cubes for when the roots grow through. At this point Ive got 5 established seedlings and I think a sixth coming, hoping for more but the other 4 cubes not showing.
I wish you all the best on your grow, KhazidHea. I'm just getting back into growing after 15 years, and was seriously thinking about getting a bloombox. but, i'm glad I decided to shop around first before I shelled out the astronomical price. i'm going to go with 2 of those gorilla grow tent grow room super rooms from sc but I also though long and hard about the hg stuff too. looked better than the bcnl stuff in my opinion. Again, good luck!
Welcome guys :) I'm thinking these little buggers will be moving down into the first hydro-system on the 21st. Or perhaps a few days before that with hand watering and then starting the hydro on the 21st we'll see.

The master controller from HG with some tents is what I might have done if I could turn back time, mostly cause a little bit cheaper, the bcnl/hg stuff came out about even in my mind considering all factors I was thinking of. My only regret with the bloombox was getting it with hydro as I think I'll be switching to soil. :)


Bottom right been my fave since they first started showing, but bottom left starting to show the same kind of growth. Both have 2 roots showing on bottom where as all others have one or less. Hopefully ones a fem (hopefully all fem lol).
I would stay with hydro ,I believe you will be happier in long run with this box.......
Couple questions I was thinking about but then I smoked some so gimme sec here.. xD

Ah. I'm not going to be able to tell sex of the plants while they're in the cloning tray, so how will I be able to tell which to put in the mother plant pot? Lol. I dont want to move them into the 3" rockwool and then have to transplant from that somehow to the hydro pot. Any thoughts?
Well IMHO you should grow out a couple of seeds and wait and see which ones are female, then clone ...

Couple questions I was thinking about but then I smoked some so gimme sec here.. xD

Ah. I'm not going to be able to tell sex of the plants while they're in the cloning tray, so how will I be able to tell which to put in the mother plant pot? Lol. I dont want to move them into the 3" rockwool and then have to transplant from that somehow to the hydro pot. Any thoughts?
I plan on using the box regardless, but really considering going from mama plant, to clone dome, to hydropots like the one the mother plant is in.

I didn't mean you where not going to use the box, just hydro will grow faster and probably be easier in the long run..
I'll take that under advisement for sure, I'm new at this. :) Question! Can somebody comment about these spots in the one pic? Perhaps on the growth so far in general? Of 10 seeds planted 8 came up and 2 duds, 1 of the 8 came up a little retarded and is so far behind the others not sure what I'll do with it. Of the 7 best seedlings theres 2 that have been exceptional I have been watching, but one of those 2 is showing the spots in the pics.

I'm still thinking to transplant downwards in the BB this coming sunday (14 days since germination), but I assume I won't know plant sexes until they're inside the bottom hydro system a while. Will have to take clones from whichever plants I want while they're in that system later on, just for this one cycle, one of those cuttings will become the plant in the mother pot. So looking at 7 plants, minus the males, and going to have to clone before flower in this first cycle. Its a slow moving adventure! (lol)



You will need to transplant seedlings into larger rockwool block, if roots are showing out of bottom,

I'll take that under advisement for sure, I'm new at this. :) Question! Can somebody comment about these spots in the one pic? Perhaps on the growth so far in general? Of 10 seeds planted 8 came up and 2 duds, 1 of the 8 came up a little retarded and is so far behind the others not sure what I'll do with it. Of the 7 best seedlings theres 2 that have been exceptional I have been watching, but one of those 2 is showing the spots in the pics.

I'm still thinking to transplant downwards in the BB this coming sunday (14 days since germination), but I assume I won't know plant sexes until they're inside the bottom hydro system a while. Will have to take clones from whichever plants I want while they're in that system later on, just for this one cycle, one of those cuttings will become the plant in the mother pot. So looking at 7 plants, minus the males, and going to have to clone before flower in this first cycle. Its a slow moving adventure! (lol)



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